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Everything posted by ChosenOne21

  1. I would honestly rather keep Chris Davis on the off chance we can save some money due to a COVID-shortened 2021 season than keep Renato Nunez. Optimistically, Nunez is a one-win DH who is probably going to get between $2 and $3 million in arbitration. You can kick a tree and a half-dozen Nunez-type players fall out, most of whom can be had for league minimum or near to it. Pretty sure DJ Stewart can be a one-win DH for league minimum--it's really not hard to find these guys. And spare me the "35 homers" stuff. Have you already forgotten Mark Trumbo and how little value he had for us?
  2. Anyone here actually think Nunez would have been a part of our next competitive team? The guy was optimistically a one-win DH. There's no reason to spend more than league minimum on that
  3. My guess is as soon as we get the extra year of control in 2022, provided that's still a thing by then
  4. Of course businesses can do what they want. I'm saying as a society we should put forward some better methods to help businesses determine who is qualified that don't cost four years and $40,000+ per person
  5. Yeah, and that's a problem. These places want to use college degrees as a proxy for determining if someone is a reliable, responsible adult. As a society, there has to be a better, cheaper alternative than asking people to spend four years in the prime of their life and $40,000+ dollars getting otherwise useless degrees
  6. Oh, of course he will be. I just feel bad for the people in that program who don't have professional athlete abilities
  7. I really hope he got a full ride, because that degree doesn't look like it's worth the paper its printed on
  8. Nah, ERod was a much better prospect than either of the guys we got from the Braves. And unlike Tommy Milone, Andrew Miller was a huge asset for us that year I wouldn't call either of the guys we got from the Braves, Greiner or Welk "decent prospects." Some of them are arguably prospects, but not anything to be even a little excited about
  9. Yeah, I saw some article about how pissed Braves fans must be seeing what they gave up for Tommy Milone, and I almost did a double take. I mean, if we gave away Toby Welk and slightly better Cadyn Greiner for nothing I wouldn't be happy about it, but upset/pissed would be far too strong of a word to describe my feelings
  10. Tony LaRussa isn't building the White Sox roster. Amaro Jr. hasn't been a GM in over five years. Dipoto is totally an analytics guy. Angels' owner Arte Moreno said that "one of the reasons we hired Jerry is that I really liked the way he viewed baseball analytics." You don't have to be a young analytics guy to realize that the game is much more complicated than the numbers you find on the back of a baseball card. We've known that since at least the 80s
  11. I don't think a single MLB team thinks like this anymore. They might say something like that in a press release or interview to sell it to the average fan, but there's no way the guys building the roster are talking about bringing in guys to "increase homers and RBIs"
  12. I know this is a little controversial, but to me the whole point of a college degree is to help you earn more money. Kjerstad has already earned enough money to live more than comfortably for the rest of his life if he never swings the bat once as a professional. But maybe Kjerstad disagrees with me and sees inherent value in completing college. It's his life. As long as the Orioles are okay with it, I'm okay with it
  13. Well, given that we picked Kjerstad over Martin so we could get Mayo and Baumler, we kiiiiinda sorta spent part of a first round pick on him
  14. The guy just got $5.2 million dollars. If he's smart with it, he'll never have to work a day in his life. So I guess it's up to him if he'd rather finish his (unnecessary) college degree or get an extra three week start on his pro career
  15. I've just been picking the option that contains the players whose names show up in the options most frequently since I don't have much of a clue anymore. It's worked pretty well so far. Personally, I'd probably have gone with Bannon/Pop, but my strategy dictated I pick Nevin/McKenna
  16. IIRC different publications had him anywhere from 9th to the teens
  17. Been the best near-MLB ready 2B/3B in the organization, something Yaz never was in the outfield? If they can find someone on waivers/trade they think is better than Bannon I'm all for it. He isn't "owed" a chance, but in the absence of better options, I'd like to see him
  18. I went with Rom and Smith as well, because I feel the Orioles are really down on Wells and that may have influenced Tony. My guess is Wells is either here or 19-20. I know Tony has ranked Rom relatively highly in the past and I've heard good things about Kevin Smith, so that's who I picked, but I'm less confident about this than any other pick so far
  19. I doubt you can find many farm systems in MLB whose 13th prospect's likely outcome is MLB regular
  20. I don't think the Giants thought they were getting anything more than a 4th outfielder who could fill in for a while when they claimed Yaz. Seriously, I don't think even his mom saw this coming
  21. I think it's got to be Mayo/Baumler here. Wells wasn't even at Bowie, and Zimmerman didn't impress. I know Tony like McKenna less than just about everyone and Hall has a few question marks as a player. Given how highly other 2020 draftees have been ranked, I'm going Mayo/Baumler since I've heard slightly better things about Mayo and FWIW he was the higher pick
  22. I could have sworn I heard somewhere he had COVID
  23. I wouldn't exercise the option until pretty much the last minute. What if he falls down the stairs, rips up the ligaments in his leg and is a giant question mark for next year? Unlikely, but why gamble with 3 million dollars any more than you have to?
  24. Given how far he had fallen, I resolved never to pick Diaz and just get that one wrong because I figured he'd lead me astray too many times
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