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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. It doesn’t translate on TV. In person it’s great….except how much the tickets cost.
  2. Ha! Odor stills gets booed in Toronto. I was thinking who/why in the world are they booing? Yep. That.
  3. Who hits their first major league HR? Stowers or Rutschman?
  4. Lance Cormier calling the VT game. I haven't heard that name In a long time.
  5. He can’t ignore all those comments forever? Or, can he? Would look pretty ridiculous. I imagine MASN is working on best way to spin this so that all talking heads say the same exact non descript thing. You’d of thought they would want to get out in front of this.
  6. I think they are gonna need to find a chump that will take what they want to give him and not what he’s worth.
  7. Ah, so that is why Real estate prices in US cities are plummeting like a rock in water. Got it.
  8. And it is an absolutely awful state to run a business or retire. Anyone with any wealth or a decent size business is foolish to run their business out of MD or retire in MD when there are multiple better options.
  9. I’d be dumbfounded if Dru Jone’s agent had not already told the Orioles not to draft him before this came out. You are 110% looking at overslot again. Any player that believes they have a chance to be great will be avoiding this POS franchise like the plague.
  10. “Give that *man a contract”
  11. Off Ethan Small, no less. Brought his hands inside beautifully and popped it out on an effortless swing. Kid is on a heater!
  12. Almost a hundred AB’s and an OPS under. 600 & .1 WAR. The defense is not stellar. I’m glad they gave him his shot to perform, but his ABs are not inspiring. How much longer do you think the tryout continues? 100 ABs? 150 ABs? Would be a nice story, but I just don’t see him making the next step.
  13. That’s a simple powerful stoke right there. Can’t wait to see him in game action.
  14. This has been mentioned before and I’m starting to agree that Elias should consider giving the kid a nice comfy payday and bringing him up. I believe the reward outweighs the risk and a 20y/o in AAA is likely to take a decent deal right now to secure himself in the future. If he continues on this trajectory, he will become expensive quickly.
  15. Took some Kids to the game last Friday night. I’ve seen quite a bit of baseball in my life, and the throw he made from LF (not an out - holding runner at 3rd) was maybe the most incredible throw I’ve ever seen. It was rising (appearance) the entire way and Rutschman had to jump to catch it. It was on a line, not a high throw, and it looked like it defied gravity and was going to go over Adley’s head. He also took time before the game to sign autographs for 7 star struck 10 y/os. He made some life long fans that evening. He is an absolute pleasure to watch play in all facets of the game.
  16. I was there that day, also. And Juan “going going gone” Gonzalez put on the show of the day. Will never forget the third deck facade shot. Good grief
  17. 6 HRs in 30 years have made it to second deck. That is a serious display of power. Made the LF wall look teeny tiny.
  18. That is fantastic. Thaks for posting. Congrats on your hokies making it to super regionals for the first time.
  19. As long as you play baseball, you are one throw away from an injury. That injury could be minimal or it could be career ending. You do what you can to stay strong and work appropriately, but the rest is pure luck.
  20. I'd like to see: Vavra 2b/cf in Norfolk (when fully healthy) Martin Utility in Baltimore Long cut Cullen, Dorrian cut or demoted Grenier traded for a lottery ticket Bannon lose some ABs in Norfolk
  21. I wouldn’t have looked if it weren’t for this thread. I pointed it out to my wife and son and the people in front of us and behind had never seen it before. I think it’s been a pretty cool tradition since the park opened. I remember my dad pointing it out to me as a 12 y/o in ‘92.
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