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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Looked to me like he was trying to be too perfect and fell behind in the count early and often. Not gonna do well against Yankees going 1-0 and 2-0 to their batters. That slider is something else.
  2. Those are some ugly numbers. I guess the good news is we really can’t do much worse.
  3. That was not a professional AB. Wow. Bases loaded in last 3 innings.
  4. Dang. Gotta know he’s coming back with heater after he catches you sitting off speed. Full count bases loaded gotta get a better swing on that.
  5. Say what you want but these guys make it fun to watch every night.
  6. Good job setting up his feet for a tough throw. Mateo is in D mode.
  7. If my memory serves me correctly, and it often doesn’t, we have hit E Rod fairly well over the years.
  8. I don’t think they bring him up in less he can get full time ABs.
  9. Congrats young man. Heck of a MLB debut. Yusniel is knocking on the door. He will need an injury to crack the line up, though.
  10. Hope Mateo can stay healthy all year and entertain us with his athleticism. He can play some D.
  11. It’s a shame he plays in NL. He’s fun to watch. Wish we saw more of him. He’s made some difficult plays looks easy that just makes you shake your head.
  12. Fun game. Stolen bases, manufactured runs, good pitching, couple bombs.
  13. Up 3-0 in May and injury prone, maybe pull up there. Multi million dollar mental mistake. But it’s hard to “turn it off”
  14. And just like that Hays has his annual injury.
  15. I was wondering about the angle. Didn’t look like his breaking stuff was A+ today. Blew some guys away with fastballs but didn’t see a ton of swing and miss on breaking stuff. Good outing against a solid lineup.
  16. He played CF earlier in the week. He looks like he move a pretty well for a big guy. He looks like he’s in a good place. He swings at some questionable pit he’s sometimes but he is becoming a difficult out.
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