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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Was wondering if they’d plug Reyes in right away. Pretty brutal stretch of games they are on.
  2. Who else can cover bulk innings. Akin looks spent.
  3. Lowther is struggling big time.
  4. Misread that. Thanks!
  5. Got the call to the show. He’s got a little pop. Wish him well. Always fun to see someone’s debut.
  6. Failed sac bunt triple play that erases the runner in scoring position and ends the inning. You can thank Owings for hustling so we didn’t have to witness that.
  7. FWIW - last nights interview went much better I imagine he was super nervous, flustered and a bit embarrassed during the 5/4 interview and made it obvious he was uncomfortable and wanted the interview to be over. Maybe the comment “not going on upstairs” was a bit much. Last night you could tell he was proud of himself and trying not to cheese up. Next test = how do you go out after an electric performance, when everything everything is working, and pitch when you don’t have your A stuff.
  8. I mean, that part of the game was ok…
  9. Me too. Think it was just the ball pegging him in the leg as he kicked it into LF
  10. My man! Bradish is filling it up. Tons of strikes. Everything working. Very very confident. Lots to like. 58 pitches/ 40 strikes.
  11. Let’s see if the young man has learned from his last outing.
  12. Hopefully Orioles don’t go on a rally and throw off his concentration lol
  13. Bradish is dealing. Curve for strike 1 second time through order is nice to have. He looks confident.
  14. I only left Rangel off because of the injury. It's hard to find updates on any of these guys especially relating to injuries. I agree with you on timeline of the 'full go' class and that the previous classes, outside a couple long shots, don't have much intriguing. In going through this exercise, it just illustrated how much work it takes, how long it takes to get a full system in place, how far away we really are from reaping the rewards, and how negligent the previous regime's strategy was (handcuffed or not). It's crazy to think that our blue-chip international prospects are 5 years away in year 4 of the rebuild.
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