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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Tyler wells runs like a newborn hippopotamus.
  2. Looks like wells wants to pitch 5 innings today and get a chance for a win.
  3. Lotta hard hit balls. Hopefully that bodes well for the rest of the game.
  4. He had to go. I think we see Owings and Odor for a couple more months. Maybe they give Jones a pay raise like Nevin and drop Owings. Jones hasn't been lighting the world on fire at Norfolk. I think they want constant ABs for Martin. Vavra getting hurt stinks, he looked like he was going to force himself up. Until they bring up some IFs from bowie, I think we are going to see Owings and Odor on the roster.
  5. Nevin is not the long term answer. I’m just happy they are giving him a few weeks of better pay as a reward for his hot start. More importantly , it clears our an IF position at Norfolk and starts the dominoes falling. Would be nice to see him have some moderate success and make it difficult for team to move him off third, but I’m not holding my breath for that.
  6. The new wall is awesome. It looks fantastic, adds even more character to the best park in baseball, and balls hit to LF much more interesting. That ball was crushed and Mountcastle had no doubt it was going out.
  7. Total bummer. That’s a nice looking swing. Hope he recovers quickly.
  8. He pitched well all things considered. Delay to start game - looked like wet field contributed to some bad D. Didn’t have his A stuff. Wasn’t getting ahead like he normally does. Lot of players on Gwinnett with MLB experience. Martin didn’t make two plays (tough plays but make-able), Jones turned a double play ball into a fielders choice, a bloop and a couple balls hit hard. He came back and battled the rest of the game and had moments of domination. Definitely not as bad as the stat line looks. Couple of high stress innings and good ABs lead to higher pitch count. Not what you hope to see but it’s not like it’s some type of set back and AAA hitters figured him out.
  9. He could also be playing with an injury.
  10. emmett16

    Coby Mayo 2022

    “Say it ain’t so” after the bomb off home team pitcher is pretty brutal by the stadium PA team. Hilarious nonetheless.
  11. Almost sounds like he has been kidnapped.
  12. emmett16

    Jean Pinto 2022

    He’s given up 10 hits & 5 bbs in 10 innings so far this year. 2 of those hits are 2 run Homers accounting for 4 of his 9 runs given up. He’s struck out 19 in those 10 innings. The stuff looks good, once he starts to command it better I think he will be a force. I think he is going to have a very successful year.
  13. Wow - that was a darn impressive outing by Lopez. Had command of three pitches. That was fun to watch. Those curveballs to get ahead were huge.
  14. Jorge Lopez impressing. Come on, two more!
  15. Vavra was just taken out of game. Injured himself rounding first. Couldn’t quite tell what happened.
  16. Announcer said his last pitch #63 was 95mph. Maybe tonight’s the night they let him go 6.
  17. 8ks 1 hit through 5. Man amongst boys in AAA.
  18. The better IFs do this all the time. They do practice it.
  19. I don't think he will get claimed and there is no space in AAA. Long Island Ducks could potentially make some room.
  20. So far Mountcastle’s 41% O Swing is identical to last year. The pitches he is swinging at are not even close half the time.
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