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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. I run a travel baseball team and this winter we are planning a trip for the kids to play a tournament in Puerto Rico. Playing sports is about so much more than what happens between the lines. Kids are going to fundraise and learn other valuable lessons throughout the entire experience. As we are planning this out, it got me thinking about all of the baseball facilities that have been built over the years by various MLB teams down in the Dominican Republic. It seems to me it would be advantageous for each MLB team to run a series of tournaments each year at their facilities. Bring in American Travel teams and have them play local teams. It would make for a trip of a lifetime for a lot of the young players, it would drive tourism to the communities we are poaching talent from, it would help build local businesses, and would allow scouts to have players come to them as opposed to traveling all over the place. Anyway, just a thought I had. Curious what others might think or if there are things like this in place (a quick google search didn't result in much). If this is in the wrong section, please move.
  2. As strike outs continue to increase and the ball is being put in play less, a BB is all the more valuable. Players that have more BB than K are extremely valuable.
  3. Long term, or course not. Year after a Pandemic? Maybe. I think they need to hit on as many picks as they can. I'm just wondering if this year, due to pandemic, the risk of the HS was just too high.
  4. Tony, How much do you think Covid played into the draft strategy? Seems like this year picking HS players would be risky. They only played a handful of games (shorter track record & less reps), probably didn't have systems in place (like universities) to keep kids working & playing. I imagine development at the lower levels, HS and on down, were effected much more than Pro & College programs. After reviewing draft I've been wondering if he decided to take a super safe route this year and go heavy College & avoid air balls on HS kids due to a wasted 2020.
  5. Very interesting. The Norfolk% throws off the trend. Do you attribute the high number of Elias acquisitions at the AAA level to simply supplementing the MLB team, waiver claims, etc?
  6. I agree and those are very valid points. It just seems like a trend is starting to emerge. In my 30+ years of watching this team, I can't remember success funneling up the system as it has in the last three years.
  7. Because that was the team he was on along with his teammates. Elias' player development system and coaches were put in to place that year
  8. For comparison sake: 2019 Minor League Records -Norfolk 60-79 -Bowie 76-64 -Frederick 53-84 -Delmarva 90-48
  9. I disagree with your last paragraph. Baseball is a brutal game to play. The day you don't believe in yourself, you are done. There is a lot that goes in to giving players promotions. If a player is not ready (physically, emotionally, or mentally) your risk ending their career. That simple. I'd recommend you go watch him play.
  10. It blows my mind when people say Elias hasn't done anything. His first year GRod and cast, on the Bowie team now, were in Delmarva tearing it up. That was the first wave of talent and they keep winning/improving. Each year after we have added more talent and more systems to the minors and they continue to get better. Next year I'd expect AAA Norfolk to start winning. 2023 The Baltimore Orioles should be looking pretty good. Elias has done an incredible job.
  11. How many times have you gone to see Adley play in the last two years? He has some work to do on his swing. He has struggled for the majority of his professional career. Save the heater he was on a month ago, he has not been impressive as a pro. His swing gets long, pulls off ball and doesn't barrel up hittable low 90s fastballs. All that said, he will probably be a fantastic player for a long time, but he ain't ready. He would get abused by MLB pitchers were he to get a call up right now.
  12. Elias cut his teeth in the Cardinals organization who always picked mid pack to lower first round. I think he is very comfortable assessing and projecting players. I believe his draft philosophy is to make every pick count, spread budget evenly, and bring in as much under valued talent (college OF) as possible. I think we will have immediate feedback on this strategy by the end of next year. He did the same thing in 2019 and some of the college OF bats are knocking down door on AA and AAA (Stowers & Rizer) after missing an entire season. Top prospects will be arriving 2022-2024 and it looks like he's supplementing that group. Perhaps he changes draft strategy in 2022 or 2023.
  13. He had all pitches working last night and was locating. The stuff doesn't impress. His control (last two starts) has been very impressive. It will be interesting to see what happens when he doesn't have all his pitches working, and if his control is even just a little off. Good story, but not a lot of room for error.
  14. Ball lookin’ like a beach ball for Urias recently. He’s seeing it well and on an impressive heater.
  15. Just based on the roster, it almost looks like they may need to. He's said before that things can go quick. With their top 3-4 guys coming up next year coupled with Davis' contract expiring (this part of it), it's seems about the right time to start supplementing from outside the organization.
  16. Yes. I think that is the idea. At least to be able to do that, if need be, for the right player.
  17. Just on a flat monetary value, wouldn't it make sense to do the opposite? Pitchers are more likely to get hurt and they play fewer innings than the position players. Why not draft and develop a ton of position players, let other organizations take risk on pitching, and when a good pitcher(success w/o injury history) emerges trade with the surplus of position players.
  18. I have a feeling they make some exciting trades to bolster(start to build) the rotation next year. Means, FA, Trade acquisition, the rest in house. Try to pick up another SP via Trade & FA the following year and fill out the pen with the SP rejects.
  19. Everyone says we are going to have to out smart the other organizations. Well, he sure is trying something new here and I like it. Pitchers taking shorter deals and pitching strategies changing completely is changing the market and players value. With pitchers going fewer and fewer innings their value goes down. Try to hit on a home grown arm, trade for a stud with surplus, and sign some short term deals It will be interesting to see what Phase 2 is. I suppose the first trade for P or P FA signing will trigger Phase 2. Next few years are going to be exciting.
  20. I think they take Lawlar. One of the smoothest RH swings you'll ever see. Looks like a special batt at SS, can't pass on that.
  21. Rays have been in a slump since losing Glasnow. Doesn't effect service time. Wanted a jolt. Got one. Stoked he's been on my bench for 2 years in my AL only Dynasty league.
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