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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. So…… Bradish doesn’t look injured.
  2. I was actually referring to the 355.1 IP in minors of 5.2 BB/9 while he was a starter.
  3. I’m not a fan. I have zero confidence in his ability to perform at a high level. He has had his moments, but he’s often walking a tightrope. If he’s pitching for us in the playoffs in high leverage situations we are In trouble.
  4. Daughter of a coach and mother of a baller. She’s stacked hours on a diamond.
  5. His save % is not good. He’s a coin flip.
  6. The FB does look firm.
  7. Wife walks in to room… ”oh god, that guys pitching” hahahahah
  8. Honeycut walked off WV. The dude rises to the occasion and I imagine his draft stock does as well. Stud
  9. Good adjustment. Dude can bring 98. No need to live at bottom of the zone.
  10. A lot of time Latin families try to phonetically spell American names. Yandy = Andy (ee-ahn-dee) Stiven = Steven (stee-van) Maychel = Michael (my-kel) Have always thought it was kinda cool.
  11. He has diced us up his last two appearances.
  12. Probably buys a six pack and blames someone else.
  13. Wow. Thought for aren’t was a bloop hit.
  14. 5ks in 5ip - throwing some ched now
  15. Honeycut just darn near beat out a routine GB to SS. Kid can roll! If he’s around for our pick, he’s our guy. Power & wheels.
  16. New catcher rule made him safe. Still not sure how I feel about it.
  17. Man Cowser can fly. I didn’t think that would be close at all!
  18. Cowser BABIP going up.
  19. I mean that that pitcher is going to have a very short leash on how long they put up with the free passes and they will move on quickly.
  20. Maybe I’m off base, but to me when the new FO took over one of the biggest changes I noticed was an emphasis on pitchers that threw the ball over the plate and didn’t give out as many free passes. BBs last 6 complete season. 2017 579 2018 589 2019 462 2021 451 2022 443 2023 473
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