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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. He was a 1st round draft pick and had a live arm, of course they tolerated him. He also only pitched 33 total innings for the Os in those 5 years. Not sure the 2024 version would be on the 26 man. I hope he rebounds when he comes back from the knee injury. Sounds like that could be soon.
  2. Did he? Or was that just a small sample size? Doesn’t seem like those changes stuck.
  3. They highly value strike throwers. I haven seen them tolerate a pitcher who walks batters as much as he does. He reminds me a lot of DL Hall.
  4. I think they want him to profile as a starter to increase his trade value. I would be kind of surprised if they did. I wouldn't be upset, I said at the beginning of the season I hoped that's the role he'd fill, but I just don't see him as an O's type pitcher. I think they will cash in on his value and use as a trade chip. Teams always want pitching back in a trade and he'd be the ideal guy.
  5. My guess would be that he missed a sign.
  6. If Cowser is in CF that’s one less guy Mayo would need to compete with in the OF and makes that possibility all the more likely.
  7. Has this been reported? Thats a good thing if so. I hadn’t seen anything.
  8. Great post with fantastic info. This just confirms what we've been seeing. He's looked the part in the field and has been hitting the ball hard consistently. I have not understood all the Cowser negativity over the last month. Most of the folks on here are watching almost every game and it's been pretty apparent that he's hitting the ball hard directly at the defenders. He's been incredibly unlucky and that will change over time. He's looking comfortable and confident at the plate. I think we are just seeing the beginning and expect him to have a monster second half.
  9. I agree and I'd say that's pretty darn exciting. Count me as bullish as well. If Cowser can be the long-term CF with his offensive profile this team looks very different. Adley, Gunnar, Cowser up the middle is a heck of an offensive advantage over most. That opens up more offensive possibilities in LF and RF.
  10. Yea. I don’t think we are looking at a dominant reliever type but more of an innings eater. Could top out as a solid #3 but more likely a 4 or 5. Regardless, a valuable piece. With 5 pitches he could pitch in MLB for a long time. He looks like a guy, but not a guy that’s going to be a difference maker this year.
  11. I liked his composure. First two innings he cruised but the writing was on the wall when he couldn’t land his curveball. They were able to eliminate it completely and sit on his secondary stuff and dared him to throw it over the plate. Hopefully he learned that even when he doesn’t have his best stuff he needs to go right at batters and not nibble. Way too many uncompetitive pitches. It will be interesting to see how he rebounds.
  12. Brach just said he likes how Povich has been pounding the zone Also, does is sound like they are calling him “King Povich” ?
  13. There’s the curve. Filthy
  14. Going 5ip w/o your best pitch is pretty impressive. 2 HHB .171xBA while competing without your best stuff. It sure wasn’t pretty but that’s a pretty darn good debut.
  15. Nah. Santander needs to go hard after balls and catch them.
  16. WTF is Tony doing out there. Finally started mixing in the curve. 1 ball hit hard in 4ip so far.
  17. They were able to eliminate the curve. He won’t be able to get by just FB slider.
  18. Finally a strike with the curve. You can see why it’s hard to control. That balls moves a ton.
  19. Cade is finding out how good MLB hitters are. Good rebound after the BB.
  20. Still hasn’t landed a curve. The FB isn’t going to continue to play up if they eliminate ten curve.
  21. 1,2,3 Got ahead of 2 of the 3 Slider looked good. Needs to get the curve going.
  22. He’s gonna need better feel for the curve. He lives and dies with that pitch.
  23. Welcome to the show kid!
  24. I’m expecting to see a lot of curve balls. It will be interesting to see how those pitches play, how much whiff he gets, and if the MLBers lay off them. My guess is 5ip 5k 2bb 2 er
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