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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. I finally saw the play and don’t understand why it’s been the talk off the league all day. It was a clear and obvious interference call. Doesn’t matter if there is contact and doesn’t matter if it’s intentional and doesn’t matter how easy the play is or if it was made. Maybe the rule needs to be changed but the umpire shouldn’t be getting any flack for making a correct call.
  2. News flash: Austin Hays Hits Ball Hard.
  3. With 0 outs getting to 3rd allows you to score on a GB or Sac Fly. With 1 out getting to third does nothing
  4. Yes. And then go back if he needed to. Already in scoring position. Getting to 3rd does relatively little.
  5. You are already in scoring position. You have to go as far as you can in case he drops it. Who cares if you have to go back to second and not advance to 3rd? You’re already in scoring position 2 outs and you’re then going on contact. Horrible base running.
  6. He’s in the conversation for MVP so far this year. Whatever he’s doing is working.
  7. He struggles with FB control. Once he figures that out he will be a top tier pitcher.
  8. One of the beautiful things about baseball are the ebbs and flows throughout the season. The lows make the highs that much more enjoyable.
  9. Just so we are on the same page, we are talking about the guy with a 171 OPS+?
  10. If Prieto can continue with the power surge, he could be quite serviceable. He just turned 25 so he's approaching peak. I imagine the recent power is an SSS, but if it's here to stay he becomes a pretty interesting player.
  11. Hudson's story was one of the main features in The Arm. He turned down a significant contract after his big year and then blew out and had to spend his surgery year at league minimum. He blew out almost right away when he came back after the first one and again had to spend his rehab year at league minimum. He had a hard time getting a job after the second, but ultimately went on to have a great career. It really messed him up mentally and went through a lot of depression and thinking about the 'what ifs' during his down time.
  12. Surgery is always a risk, regardless. Last stat I saw was 83% of Pitchers who had TJ surgeries make a full recovery and come back to pitch.
  13. I guess this wraps up the saga on why he was DFA'd instead of Perez. Perez has zero trade value. They were able to move and asset and acquire another one instead of just losing an asset. Pretty solid move even if Hunt doesn't turn in to anything. I sure was wrong about others wanting him. Big arms are hard to pass up. I still don't think he will do much, but best of luck to Baumann in his career.
  14. This. There is more to gain/learn from struggling a bit than there is from coasting through the minors w/o and hiccups. He will constantly have to change his approach and adjust to how the league attacks him. This is just a primer for what he will need to do the rest of his career.
  15. They need someone with starter experience to finish the game. It's essentially a start. I like the idea of going to Irvin and hoping he can go the distance and save the pen for game 2. Don't see any better approach.
  16. Very true, but I think to @banks703 point they never specifically said 'tear'. There was very likely some small tear, but it was never explicitly stated.
  17. For sure. I just don’t want to see him completely fall off a cliff like he did last year. I’m kinda hoping he can be a .690-.700 guy for a year or 2. I don’t expect it, but keeping my fingers crossed.
  18. My bad. I meant to write 'sprain'. I'll fix that.
  19. Last year through May 8th (the day he entered his slump) Mateo was OPSing .901. We are now two weeks past May 8th this year. Through May 8th 2204 he was OPSing .758 (propped up by two early May HR) & since he’s OPSing .645. This will be interesting to monitor and see how he trends over the next month.
  20. I was not expecting him to be so good after the news broke that he had a UCL spain. He’s been remarkable.
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