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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. The point is winning, not the players, builds the brand. If the team wins the brand will grow. Plain and simple.
  2. First thing that comes to mind is Just about everybody successful college basketball team. Duke, Kentucky, UConn, etc. turnover every year, win every year, massive attendance and merch sales.
  3. Fans like winning more than the name on the back of the jersey.
  4. Baumann is not good at pitching. Not a loss. Even when he throws strikes, his FB is straight as an arrow and gets absolute crushed. He has the deer in headlights look at all times. I gave up hope on him a long time ago.
  5. I couldn’t resist.
  6. I’m going to take advantage of my kids youth games getting rained out to go see the Os play. Kiddos get the much needed day off from baseball so…..we are going to go watch baseball.
  7. I guess they opted for the Lambo and not the pick-up. Haha - so good @Just Regular
  8. For sure. And take advantage of OPACY with the lefty.
  9. The Orioles haven’t been swept in 106 consecutive regular season series.
  10. I watched the Kevin Hart Netflix special last night. He was receiving the Mark Twain award at the Kennedy Center. Ruby got a little face time in the audience at the beginning of the show. Sitting right up front.
  11. OPS is a batting stat combing SLG & OBP. I get your point and agree. He doesn’t need to slug if he’s getting on base at a good clip. He’s an exciting player with a good head on his shoulders and I’m pretty confident he’s going to figure it out and be a difference maker on both sides of the field.
  12. Brown “only second strikeout in game……since Stowers struck out in first” Geez - have mercy on the guy.
  13. Stowers ain’t gonna hit MLB pitching yankinh his head on every swing.
  14. I’d like 1 more run before we bring in Kimbrel.
  15. Cowser adjusted his approach and took a walk instead of getting an XBH.
  16. Somewhere in CA Roy is still a nervous wreck and screaming “we need more runs” at his TV
  17. Finished 3 for 4 OPS up to .745
  18. Stowers pulls his head out Something terrible. Geez
  19. Folks still want Cowser out of the lineup?
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