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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Anyone else think Gunnar looks like Bo Duke?
  2. I think it was a mental mistake on the OFers part to be in that situation. And OF always has priority regardless if the 2B calls him off.
  3. Last year he was 93-95 typically with some 96 in there. Don’t know that I saw him higher than 96.
  4. I think in that stadium in that situation that’s a mental rep the CF had to take before the play and make sure he goes all out and gives himself a shot. I thought RF had a better chance at a play on that one. Tough play for sure, but most difficult to make for the 2B.
  5. I sure hope he figures it out, his pitches move a ton. It just appears as if he has absolutely no clue where they are going. He’s very different than Povich, only similarly being the K/9 rate. Povich was a control guy in college (has a 60 control FV) who worked to improve his stuff and suffered control problems in the process. McDermott is a flame throwing live arm who misses his spots by feet, not inches.
  6. Povich 62% Hall 59%
  7. He’s slated for about 140- 150 IP this year theoretically. Imagine they’ll give him the whole year to figure it out. After ASB would be when I’d start to consider it.
  8. He threw 57% of his pitches for strikes last year, with a 5.1 BB9. That accounts for swing and miss out of the zone. MLB hitters are not going to be swinging at those balls and his walk rate will skyrocket while his strike % will drop even lower.
  9. As well they shouldn’t. But I think they need to at some point and Am wondering when that’ll be. The sooner they do, the sooner he can help out the MLB club.
  10. His stuff is nasty. Really nasty. He could be a massive weapon in the pen this year. I’d like to see him groomed to help out in a WS run this year. Just don’t see any way he be an effective MLB starter short of a complete turn around. Nothing in his pro/amateur stats suggest he’s going to have any control let alone command needed to start.
  11. Thats wild. No pun intended. 54% strikes so far on the season. Last year he was at 57% strikes for the season. This three game stretch doesn’t seem like an anomaly.
  12. Not when it's an anecdote about large sample sizes.
  13. There was an anecdote in a book that I was reading a couple years ago about a pitcher who hated the shift and asked management not to put the shift on when he pitched. So, management put together spray charts for the pitcher to review and told him he could position the players anywhere he wanted. He reviewed, apologized, and told them to proceed as planned. I think all their positioning is by design and very detailed. If a ball or two sneak through in a small sample size, that's bound to happen. Over the length of the season, it will work more often than it fails.
  14. Just joking. I haven't been there in ages. Neat place to see a game. Not super comfortable, but pretty cool venue.
  15. I thought he pitched pretty well last night. He hit 95 a couple times, and his two seamer was really impressive. Not many people can throw Devers the same pitch 3x in a row and make him look bad. As others have mentioned his control isn't where it typically is, but he looks like a much-improved pitcher overall from a stuff standpoint. I think it's safe to assume the control returns.
  16. You gotta be careful at those bars outside Fenway. They can't get ya!
  17. At what point do they transition him to the bullpen? He is not a starting pitcher and nothing I’ve seen suggests he has a punchers chance at success in a starting role. He could be a weapon down the stretch out of the pen IF he gets some control. 54% strikes last night.
  18. I saw the thread title and came here solely for your comment. You did not disappoint.
  19. As soon as he fielded it I said to my wife “that kid just broke his hand”. Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s in fact the case. He was in obvious pain.
  20. If Palmer was in the booth he would have reminded everyone how hard it is to play in Fenway with the lower roof. Especially on a windy day. Jackson called for the ball pretty early but absolutely should have been called off. Thats an incredibly hard play for a 2B even on a normal MLB field with no wind. It’ll come with more reps and experience playing together.
  21. Never a doubt in my mind he wouldn’t show out. Easy power, incredible athlete, even keeled, and on a mission to outwork everyone to become great.
  22. Gotta work on the off-speed, too.
  23. Gonna be tough rooting for this kid if he's a liar. There is absolutely no way that 55 PAs in AAA did him any good. The sample size is way too small. The gall of this kid.
  24. I can't imagine O'Hearn or Santander will be on the team next year, so I think 2025 you will see them roll out a 100% homegrown lineup pretty regularly.
  25. Joey Ortiz has had a nice start to his season. Nice to see. I think he's going to put a very respectable career. Hernaiz doesn't have a hit yet in 9 ABs. People always talk about Yaz, but Walker might have been the one that got away. He's darn impressive.
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