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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. I really hope they do not trade him. I don't think I could bare to see him hitting goliath HRs for another franchise. I imagine he's just about as untouchable as anyone.
  2. I think it also went 429' in the air. Looked like a pop up, but the CF just kept going back, back, back, no more room, cleared fence with plenty to spare. Wild power.
  3. Was 7 a former number for him?
  4. Did they find the guy from the FO that was up on the grassy knoll yet?
  5. If Kemp is cut and get's picked up by another team, are the Orioles on the hook for any portion of his salary?
  6. Then the other 29 teams file a grievance with MLB.
  7. Pretty sure its just for the ROY, not runner up.
  8. Do you seriously think Matt Holliday feelings (I agree I read nothing into his comments) factor into their decision making? I don’t. And BTW, I bet Norby and Stowers’ pops are equally if not more perturbed lol. I think the whole things is so completely simple that it’s hard to comprehend. They waited until the absolute last minute to get him AAA experience. It’s not about the sample size, it’s about the hard date. Bringing him up to start the season would have been the easy thing to do. They made a hard (non-emotional) decision to keep him down until the absolute last minute they had to. They took flack from all kinds of people, they could have put him on opening day roster easily, and avoided that, but thought that was the optimal path. The kid is good and has a very legit chance at ROY.
  9. If someone were hurt and they are gaming his service time, they bring up someone else.
  10. What number are they gonna give him? I’m guessing 1.
  11. No fun video of his call up meeting like Gunnar and Adley?
  12. He made a pretty tough play look easy. That’s the first time I’ve noticed some getty up on one of his throws.
  13. Starting to look like those dream lineups that have been posted the last couple years. Just missing the Mayo for extra flavor. First time 3 #1 prospects have been in same lineup?
  14. Completely agree. The Kemp signing was super odd. I do think they had this date on the calendar entire time, though.
  15. Him coming up with 142 PAs in AAA is unprecedented for this Org. He only had 91 coming into the season. I think the additional 51 just made the FO sleep a little better going against what they’ve stated as important to them (mastering each level especially AAA). Last year in AAA he was .267 / .396 / .400 Decent, but not exactly mastering the competition. He blew that out of the water this year.
  16. I agree it was a head scratcher and said as much. Again I wouldn’t have done it. But folks made a big deal out of a very minor move like it was a life or death situation. It means absolutely zero in the long run. I get we all need things to talk about, but the random 1 week Tony kemp signing got a lot of play.
  17. I’m not saying it’s what I’d do, I’m trying to explain his thought process. Seem to make perfect sense to me. Not how’d I’d do it, but also it’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. I wanted him up day 1 and thought he would be and was pretty vocal about it.
  18. Ideally, but it takes two to tango.
  19. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5jueqYO509/?igsh=MWRhOGJnbjQya2x3cA==
  20. You are aware that 1 million is 260K over league minimum?
  21. Development & reps. He’s had 51 PAs….in comparison Gunnar has had 39. He likely wouldn’t have started every game and would have only had like 25-30 by now. He got time to work at 2B. He avoided some of the more challenging lefties in MLB.
  22. Yes. They are incredibly methodical and they waited until the absolute last minute they could. They maxed out their available time down to the final AB & inning on D.
  23. But they decided to go with their most valuable asset and blow his service time at the very last minute, going against their set plans when they could of brought up, say, Norby(who has 700 PA in AAA and is on fire)?
  24. So…all along they were planning to game his service time and an injury popped up (the day before full year service time date) and they changed their minds/plans at the very last minute?
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