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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. My wife just said Rubbenstein sounds like Bert and I can’t stop hearing it now lol.
  2. Straight filth from Burnes on that K.
  3. Who had Mountcastle’s first 2024 AB as a walk?
  4. LHH veteran versatility. He get's on base. Imagine they think they can get closer to the 2021 version. I don't think anyone understands it or likes it. I'm continued to be wrong about what the org with do with roster moves, but I imagine he will only be here 3-4 weeks. If they paid 8MM to Frazier for a whole season worth of similar production, 1MM would be about 3-4 weeks.
  5. I think the numbers in your post pretty much explain it......McKenna's a career 74 OPS+ Even in Kemps worst year he hasn't stooped that low. He had a great camp and looks to be the better and more versatile player. No brainer, really.
  6. First point agree. Second point agree also. Pretty sure the book (they didn’t disclose team with some anecdotes) but assume was mostly referencing Houston. There were multiple mention of the manager making a move, having success, and FO pointing out why, regardless of success, they’d have done something different. I think there is some nuance, human element, gamesmanship, and in the moment maneuvers that can do better than models from time to time. I think a good managerial hire knows when to buck the system and go with their gut, while 99% of the time following the system.
  7. Let’s go, Ruby. You’re on the clock.
  8. There was a chapter in Future Value that got into how progressive teams are setting the lineup. They said that essentially the line-ups & in game pitching changes are dictated by the FO. The manager does have the final say but 1. They are almost always in agreement /alignment ahead of time and on same page 2. when/if he goes against the suggestion of the FO, there will be discussing afterwards with data points on reasons for the suggestions. After a while they are working in unison. (I think this is why I misremembered Eves interview, my brain tied what I read in the book and her interview together). The other interesting tidbit was teams don’t look at historical matchups or trends, but more on how the batters swing profile lines up with opposing pitchers pitch type & the pitchers vertical approach angle. IE. a pitcher with a big 4 seamer who lives at the top of the zone will have guys with flatter and quicker swing profiles. A junk ball pitcher or sinker guy will have guys with higher attack angels, lower starting points, and slightly longer swings. Obviously the left on left or right on right is going to be a slight disadvantage just based on those factors, so even though a player may have good numbers historically, they look at those numbers with a grain of salt and just try to match pitch flight path with appropriate bat path hitters.
  9. Stoked for some Tides baseball this year. I’ll be there on Sunday
  10. He’s pretty slow himself. https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/tony-kemp-643393?stats=statcast-r-running-mlb https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/james-mccann-543510?stats=statcast-r-hitting-mlb Like pretty much same Speed as McCann.
  11. OBP is a bi-product of only swinging at a pitch you can do damage on. It’s not taking for the sake of taking. It’s being disciplined to only swing at pitches that are in the zone that your swing thrives in. The bulk of OBP comes from BA and the players ability to impact the baseball.
  12. I think there is a lot going on behind the scenes that we will never even get a glimpse at. Obviously the owner plays a big role. But, also the FA players have to want to come here. I don’t want to turn this into a BMore is a crappy place (I love it) thread/post, but these are young men, with young families and there are a lot more attractive, and frankly less expensive, places to raise your family than Baltimore, Maryland. Taxes are absurd(2.5 v 5.75 income AZ v MD), it’s super expensive, and has had bad press consistently for quite a while now. It would take quite an overpay to lure a FA.
  13. You have to imagine they have a very specific approach. They aren’t just gonna put him down there and say, ok kid get better at lefties. What you outlined makes sense. Have him get live ABs on those guys bullpen days makes all the sense in the world.
  14. Thanks. That was the interview I remember seeing. I misremembered. Thanks for the correction.
  15. I’ll admit I should have take a closer look at his page before posting. He’s been better than I thought.
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