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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Can you post vide on any of the above to illustrate what you say he’s doing poorly vs. what you think he should be doing? Genuinely curious.
  2. Seriously. Arod took him under his wing and played the father figure Manny didn’t have. Kudos to ARod for helping the kid out.
  3. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3n8WYCxlKS/?igsh=MTh5aDY3NDQ2eWpxMA==
  4. Jackson visibly put on a good bit of muscle.
  5. Best game ever. Well maybe second to Puerto Rico. I wonder if they are mixing in the expansion packs.
  6. I like Kremer a lot. I wasn’t aware he changed how pitchers train and design pitches. Pleas fill me in, I’d love to hear more about it.
  7. I’d say they were squarely middle class. A poster or two have mentioned Gerrit Cole calling him lazy while at UCLA. I think that’s what set me off on this path of sticking up for the guy. I think I’m done on the Bauer topic. I don’t really care that much if they sign him or not. I’d be shocked if they do so it’s a moot point anyway.
  8. I’m not sure about that. I think he’d get frustrated. From what I’ve read he’s all about being the absolute best and using every possible avenue to achieve greatness. An old school org like the Rockies would drive him insane…unless they game him carte Blanche on managing their player dev system lol. Only reason I think he’d be a fit with the O’s is that he’d be aligned with their vision on how to develop players and max out production. It seems they’d work with each other as opposed to against (which is where his friction has occurred at previous stops).
  9. And my point was he’s not as bad of a teammate and a cancer as some people want to paint him. I find the guy fascinating for what he’s done on the field. Honestly, I don’t follow what he’s done or said off the field, and don’t really care. I’ll leave that up to Elias to judge. But purely on baseball, a cutting edge player seemingly could thrive in a cutting edge organization. I have to imagine his constant learning & experimenting could help out some of the younger players in the org. But what do I know, I’m a rando posting on a message board. Just my 2 cents.
  10. He can now put an end date on it as well.
  11. Huh? Pedro Martinez had a professional pitching coach at 8, was he well off? Maybe his family sacrificed for his dream? Bauer grew up in a working class cookie cutter neighborhood in Santa Clarita. His dad busted his ass so his son could chase a dream. His dad was obsessed with baseball and got him lessons (first with a Dominican player) but more important he held him accountable to the workouts and practice regimes or he wouldn’t continue buying lessons. But that’s not even what I was talking about. He had no vertical, no broad jump, was slow as hell, wasn’t strong and powerful, and was 6’ 165 as a freshman in college. He wasn’t a natural athlete by any definition of the word. He made him self from nothing.
  12. Precisely. It’s a baseball team and nothing more. And I trust Elias to make the right decision. I could care less if they sign him or not. I see him as a potential candidate to help the team. He’s an impressive example of making yourself out of nothing. It’s just crazy to me to observe the mob mentality that has followed the human condition since the beginning on man. Oh to be so righteous and, all the while, make yourself feel just a little bit better while doing so.
  13. Ah. So he’s not a cancer, just a bad tutor. Noted. I thought due to my “views” we were on longer discussing the matter.
  14. Sounds like an awful teammate.
  15. Terrible take. 99% of players that get paid feel an overwhelming stress and anxiety of living up to the payment and work even harder to prove that they are worth it.
  16. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3eDJZjprH2/?igsh=MzY1NDJmNzMyNQ== Crazy movement to all 4 quadrants.
  17. Yea. I’m very pessimistic about him. He was shut down before playoffs and then had the entire off-season to rest and build up. Something doesn’t jibe. I’ll believe he’s an asset for the team after he’s made 5+ starts, until then I’ve basically counted him out as a meaningful contributor this year. Of course it goes without saying that I hope I’m 110% incorrect. Just have a bad feeling about him.
  18. I think you hit the nail on the head. Half the battle is motivation. You constantly have to be motivated to work harder and work disciplined or you are plateauing and not getting better. The former players present a form of motivation and help push them forward. Having those Guys simply saying “I love watching you play” “you’re better than I ever was” “keep pushing you got this” “I know it’s hard but you’ll get there” “all your sacrifices will all be worth it” will make a world of difference. These a guys the players looked up to and idolized. And apart from the motivation, if the guys can come away with one thing to help them overcome an obstacle it’s well worth it. So cool to see they are doing this.
  19. I think like anything it’s how you use the resource, not just the resource itself. There’s a school of thought that successful players struggle as coaches because they didn’t have to go through the difficult trial and error process to be successful, it happened easier for them. However, there is obviously a wealth of knowledge there that can be tapped in to. The new wave front offices hire former players and call them “conduits” of information . The data and analysis guys are fantastic, but getting a player to listen to and trust a front office nerd is going to be a challenge. The former players come in to play as a voice for interpreting and translating the data into bite size pieces so the players can understand it and don’t get overwhelmed. This is why Sig Megdal spent a season as a bench coach for the Astros minor league affiliate one year. He was trying to find out the best way to translate the data and find attributes that worked for potential future conduits.
  20. Barry Bonds came to mind. Griffey does work with Team USA.
  21. I don’t think too many guys that made 80MM+ in the league go on to coach.
  22. So awesome to see them leveraging former talent.
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