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Everything posted by MarCakes21

  1. Yup that's my point. And then you can decide around the deadline how to use his innings, push him to 150+ or maintain him at 120 depending upon if we're contending. Irvin makes more sense for controlling GRod.
  2. While we're all arguing over who is and who isn't in the rotation, I'll throw my Elias thinking on the table: Keep GRod down to play service time, and go with Gibson, Irvin, Bradish, Kremer, Voth (with Wells piggy back) to start the season assuming no injury When we can bring GRod up, we do and go to a 6 man, continuing the Wells piggy back for Voth/GRod to manage his innings and give us a better shot in September. All injury dependent, and leaves DL at AAA with a SP job, and could drop to 5 man, or call up DL as next man up.
  3. I could see the keep him down and then turn to a 6 man rotation to "limit his innings"....ie, make sure he doesn't win the ROY until the following year.
  4. Not Voth related, but if this happens, than I think Elias would believe he's still manipulating service time and the incentives provided by the league wouldn't outweigh the cost. However, I think a C who came from NCAA and is "old" might be different than a SP from HS or a SS from HS.
  5. Interesting. Bradish/Kremer/GRod/Gibson/Wells was how most people stacked up with Voth being the odd one out. Is there something that says Wells is a better bullpen piece that Voth other than he's been there before? I'd also rather have DL Hall as a SP for team value for one more shot. Start the year in AAA as the next man up over whoever our swing man is.
  6. Interesting that there's no more chatter here. That fangraphs article puts his xBA, xSLG, xwOBA, barrel rate and average exit velo in the same category as Alvarez, Judge, Harper, Ohtani, and Riley. Not quite as elite across the board, but still very good. His hole was his patience, but even that may be trending better. We talk about a guy who could be non-tendered in a year, but this is also a guy who could have the same impact as Austin Riley this season based on some metrics. Fangraphs projects him for .255/.313/.448 which is similar as last year, but a decent jump in slugging. However, his metrics show him something closer to Riley who had a .273 BA and .528 SLG last year. I'd take those easily with a .313 OBP.
  7. If we got the production out of the current 8, I imagine people here would be upset. If Gunnar = Franco, great, but other than that, there's nothing else definitive there other than B Lowe. Many of these guys are still hopeful, but not useful pieces.
  8. I'm not arguing that Adley/Grayson weren't ready, but you could argue that Westburg could use more polish for a new defensive position, or Ortiz more work with the bat to prove it. Again, I don't support the Frazier signing, and am still an advocate of trading Mateo, moving Gunnar to SS and letting Ortiz/Westburg win 2B. But I could see the flip side of doing all that a year from now as well.
  9. So I agree with all this and don't advocate the Frazier signing. But.... Other than biting a year of Adley/Gunner's window, what's the risk of waiting one more year and having Cowser/Westburg/Ortiz/Norby all come up at the same time. I assume they could regress in repeating a level, but it does buy you one more year with all of them on the back end. Again, I'm not a fan of it, but I do see a potential justification behind it. You can trade Frazier/Hays/Santander/Urias/Mateo at the deadline and plug and play these guys with no loss and don't lose the service time either.
  10. Can someone provide the writeups on the Os guys?
  11. I think he needs to step off the plate by about 2 inches, but i'm no hitting pro.
  12. This is an important key to how our team goes. If he's a 2 WAR player, our team likely has fallen back to .500, but at 4-6 WAR we're likely playing better as a whole and in contention. I imagine he's something in the middle, he certainly regressed, but many knew that was likely in 2022 anyways. He was pitched to differently even in the second half of 2021, and all 2022. Now if he makes adjustments, and hits LHP better, he can improve again. I imagine he's likely in between the two, and would be thrilled with that. He's going to get more protection from Adley behind him and hopefully is laying off the inner fastballs he wasn't able to keep fair, as well as seeing a few more pitches. Something like .275/.320/450 with 20HR/30SB and a 115 OPS+.
  13. The wall is certainly an excuse. These players all have approaches and they're not dependent on the dimensions of a park that you can instantly turn on and off. These are ingrained habits. How do you go from playing a 3 game series at Fenway (monster and short porch) then back to a 3 game series at home. Only real option would be managerial, all RH pop up hitters at fenway and LF at home.
  14. So all in all, likely saved some on Mullins and spent some on Mateo compared to the projections. I think that's a good thing overall if you're looking at a team financials, as it will limit the "raise" Mullins will get the following year, even though I think he'll prove to be worth much higher and he's due it as well as a quiet face through the rebuild.
  15. Do we really think it'll take 2 for Cabrera? Seems like an overpay. I think Mateo OR Santander for Cabrera straight up could be even, unless I'm missing something.
  16. They want ML ready prospects, like Casas. Westburg and Cowser are there.
  17. I still think we play our hand for two of these guys (Lopez, Luzardo, Cabrera), and they get to pick 3 of Westburg, Cowser, Mayo, Mateo. And if you scale it to one, then we only give up two of those pieces.
  18. I doubt he's a starter at this stage, but what am I missing about David Price. His numbers still seem generally good, K/9 and BB/9 has been steady, but is he only an overpriced reliever? Is he not even a piggy back option guy to buy down innings for GRod and goes 2-4 innings a game? What would a contract cost? I also find it funny that fangraphs predicts him to pitch exactly 1 inning this year.
  19. Again, going to the stadium isn't a problem, but we typically go to day games because we have young kids. And they don't take BP and IF/OF during day games, so they don't typically sign either. Unless someone has info that I don't. Help me understand where to best get signatures during a day game.
  20. I still agree with this move, and have been preaching it as well. If we could package Mateo with a teens level prospect for one of these SPs, that'd be ideal. If not, then prospects. However, given the Frazier deal, and the fact that Westburg is squeezed, I imagine that Mateo stays until closer to the trade deadline at least, and Westburg stays at AAA, along with Ortiz and Norby.
  21. The part two is up as well: https://www.mlb.com/news/mlb-front-office-selections-top-prospects?t=mlb-pipeline-coverage Not a ton here, other than that he was far and away the best position prospect. GRod was number two for best pitching prospect. Surprising to me, Adley tied Bryce Harper as the best Amateur prospect you've seen. (Bundy also received votes)
  22. I understand that you have to have the idea that you want to maximize his return, but that also include maximizing his current value to the team. What's greater? Three years of Mullins or three years of Lopez? I'll take Mullins personally. Next, don't forget that you'll be able to offer him a QO, so you will get back a draft pick if that still exists in 3 years. Finally, to your point of cost and control, for the next 3 years, you have to assume this team will continue to be on the rise, with improvements from Adley/Gunnar/GRod, and others, so you'll want to help yourself get to 90+ wins, rather than trading away wins. The cost is less of an impediment for a team on the cusp.
  23. I've got the small child part down He wants autographs though, and we normally go to sunday games since he's younger, but there's no BP. The guys don't even come out until 20 min before game time, and typically don't sign, so we've gotten plenty of balls near the BP, but no autographs. When you get autographs, are they typically not sunday games? And while BP is ongoing or in the 20 min while they run/stretch?
  24. Expensive for what? We have one of the lowest salaries in the MLB, and he's giving us significant value over his cost. You've got 3 more years that he'll be better than his salary and by then Fabian and Beavers could be options too. And you probably won't give a 31 year old CF a Nimmo deal at that point.
  25. I saw that, anyone have more info? I've found it impossible to get my 7 year old any good autographs, but thought some of the meet and greet with "no autographs" may have a better chance than standing in an excessive line. Anyone know if a 7 year old goes and shakes the players hand, would they sign him a ball/card?
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