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Remember The Alomar

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Everything posted by Remember The Alomar

  1. I think you have to at least let Bradish start the inning. Especially at, what, 83 pitches?
  2. I'm sure in 10 years, things will be much better than they are now. Or Ted Leonis will have bought us and I'll have to spend $70 dollars a month on Monumental Sports+ to watch them.
  3. Yes, true. I guess I was using MLB in the "royal" sense—including all franchises—as opposed to the actual entity that is Major League Baseball legally. I live in DC. I would happily pay $100 dollars a year to easily watch the orioles on my laptop. And I'm not alone in this. Just seems dumb to leave money on the table.
  4. Let's just say that very link may or may not have been open in a separate tab before you sent that...
  5. MLB cannot say they want to "grow the game" and get more people watching while also instituting draconian blackout rules. Both sentiments are at absolute odds with each other. I could go full SportsGuy on the topic.
  6. Nah I was just joking. That is wild, though. The Orioles continue to have less and less excuses to not spend this offseason. Thanks for passing along the info.
  7. My man, Urias just took a choo choo train to the moon. Let us enjoy that before bringing rational and realistic thoughts into the game thread.
  8. Somewhere, there is a joke to be made about Enron Field and the absolute power outage we're seeing from both teams thus far.
  9. Mike Elias looking like the guy standing in front of me at a Strokes show in 2013.
  10. Everyone has their ultraspecific baseball pet peeves, but nothing annoys me more than a pitcher getting out of a jam then instantly going 1-2-3 when we're up.
  11. I am a negative Orioles fan. That being said, I have inside word that we will win. So we're good.
  12. I don't speak Spanish, but through my job, have been lucky enough to work with some great interpreters. They always say all that matters is the main thrust. The O's guy is great at his job.
  13. He's already two drinks in at Pickles. I bet we're fine.
  14. I like Kevin Brown, but I'm cracking up at him asking a guy who doesn't speak English and requires and interpreter an incredibly long first question.
  15. That was one of those rare games where I felt like all luck broke the Orioles way. I would be going bonkers if I was a Sox fan. Fun win.
  16. "Signs"—back when M. Night Shyamalan tried to make decent movies.
  17. He's good when he's telling a yarn from back in the day. When he's trying to provide any sort of insight...enh...
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