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Remember The Alomar

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Everything posted by Remember The Alomar

  1. We're going to make the playoffs, we're going to win the ALDS, we're going to win the ALCS, and, hell, might as well put the champagne on ice after that. Yes, I've had some ales, why do you ask?
  2. This is pure magical thinking, but as soon as the camera zoomed in on Adley giving Bautista a little nod, I knew a K was coming.
  3. Very exited for the "Lopez Was Better" thread if he blows this.
  4. You're right, Jagwar. I'd like to take this moment to apologize to you and all of Birdland for my gross negligence. I hope I can find a way to regain your trust.
  5. I pray to the Baseball Gods that I did not cancel social plans with actual human beings to watch the Orioles blow a lead with a bunch of internet guys. Amen.
  6. I've consulted some Top Men and they have informed me it's actually...bad.
  7. Getting tossed as a manger during a fit of rage is cool. Begging and pleading to get tossed the entire game and then doing some Earl Weaver cosplay is very lame.
  8. They really need to update Phillips photo on ESPN
  9. How many sac bunts have we had this year? I cannot imagine it's more than...four?
  10. Agreed. He strikes me as the kind of player that will get on 10 out of 10 times, so let's just be patient as he adjusts.
  11. Vavra has the vibe of a potential cult favorite Oriole.
  12. Folks, many people are saying the game threads are "hot" again. And...they are not wrong.
  13. Derek Shelton looks like the strip mall Santa Claus my parents took me to as a kid because the Towson Town Center Santa was too "fancy." I do not mean that as a complement.
  14. Mountcastle must be so bitter he couldn't claim "The Mountain" as a nickname.
  15. It's so wild to have a guy on the Birds with an eye like that. I feel like a caveman seeing an F-18 soar by.
  16. Former top pitching prospects that end up as LOOGYs always fascinate me. (Though, I guess Manny isn't technically a LOOGY.)
  17. Maybe it's because I'm four beers deep after a work thing—and that I'm high on Oriole magic—but this killed me.
  18. Oh damn! More rain. Time to call the game. Safety first!
  19. Enough is enough. Time to cut that weak-armed .500 OPS bum.
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