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Remember The Alomar

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Everything posted by Remember The Alomar

  1. Next time you feel like you got something you didn't deserve, remember the time an announcer uttered the phrase, "The Legendary Scott Garceau."
  2. Not to get too nostalgic, but damn, it feels good to be in a game thread with all the heads—both old and new—getting excited about a good Birds team.
  3. My [redacted] stream from a [redacted] source is so behind, so if everyone could wait 45 seconds before they post I'd appreciate it.
  4. Damn thought this was a joke until I tuned in. You weren't kidding.
  5. Fine. My second choice is the 9/21/72 performance of "Dark Star."
  6. Odor will go down as a very, very bad Oriole or the guy that somehow hits a walk-off grand slam in game seven of the 2022 World Series. No in-between.
  7. I respect your opinion, but for two months of him? Yes, in my eyes, it was very much worth it. Hope he wins a WS though.
  8. I really did not care for him but at least he could accurately describe what was happening on the field.
  9. Perhaps this means nothing as it's something that should, in theory, effect every player equally, but it's impressive what Adley is doing in the 2022 run environment. If you showed me his triple slash before the season started, without knowing how low scoring would be, I'd be pretty happy. However, I wonder how much giddier we'd be if his OPS+ was the same but with higher counting numbers, a greater triple slash, etc. due to a more friendly run-scoring environment. The correct answer is probably "it shouldn't change your opinion at all," but psychologically, I think it's had some passive effect on our perspective, no matter how high we are on him.
  10. So how are you getting your Bird fix this evening? Personally, I'm gonna queue up the best video on YouTube:
  11. It wouldn't surprise me if Lopez continues to be a very good reliever, and while I'm neutral to slightly negative on the trade itself, I do wonder if there is something the FO saw in Lopez that made them think we've already seen his peak. If that's what Elias and Co. truly believed, then it makes sense they would move him for a haul we, generally, seem to find underwhelming.
  12. I'm not a talent evaluator—and this says more about me than it does about Hall—but I can't remember a minor leaguer whose future prospects I swing back and forth on more.
  13. Sorry to be lazy, but where do you find the stats on expected HRs for pitchers in a given stadium?
  14. Very true. As an Orioles fan born in 1990, that 2002 team, as a baseball-obsessed 12-year-old, shaped my fandom. They're the reason why I consider myself a "pessimistic realist" when it comes to this franchise. Sadly, I never really let myself enjoy 2012, as I was just so worried about believing in them and getting my heart torn out again—and this was when I was firmly an adult! I still wouldn't bet on the 2022 iteration of the Orioles making the playoffs. However, one thing that has me intrigued is that there is the potential the Os have three or so Machado-level late season boosts if we're in it come September. Who knows what will happen, but I'm damn excited to find out.
  15. I see you have the blessing to never have encountered a certain thread by a certain OldFan#5...
  16. I gotta be honest, I thought the Reds series was going to be the beginning of a slow deflation to a ~75ish win season--and that could still happen--but they ain't quitting. Now go sweep the Pirates, go back to Baltimore, and get the Blue Jays sweating.
  17. I have a high tolerance for bad announcing, but she is so subterraneanly-level abysmal that I think she's from the Hollow Earth.
  18. If Mateo can figure out a way to put up an OPS+ of 90 and keep up us plus value defensively and on the basepaths, I imagine it will be him. Is there a reason Westburg isn't listed?
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