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Remember The Alomar

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Everything posted by Remember The Alomar

  1. Gonna be sick when Bautista does that to Judge in game seven of the ALCS in a few months.
  2. You give SportsGuy and RZNJ refreshments of their choices. One wants dr peppers and the other wants coca cola. Interloper up the anti and demand Natty Boh and budwiser but only in bottle form. tio Settling these Gods of OH into form fitting and comfortable chairs we became something not what we wanted but something that would be right for us in this generation. Frobby would have to drafIt a group amoung our peers and to elevate themselves into a modern version of "The baseball Gods" It should be formed from people of mostly good report (Not Moose Milligan). Some should be outstanding citizens if we can gather them to us. (JTrea81?) Okay it comes down to choose the talent that will have to reestablish a type of kangaroo court but not like it was. It will be a combination group not designed to publically embarrass the players or reportersl. I beg, i demand that Adley Rutschman gets the first leader hat. In his job he is responsible for giving a quarter for every thing in the game that he did that warrented a good results. Someone who gets 12 quarters has the right to sit next to the gm for a total ride next to elias and is allowed to pick elias brain.
  3. I'm sure this has been noted by many already, but it's just deeply refreshing to have a guy in the lineup who—even if in a slump—reliably works the count. And, as @Frobby noted, seeing him celebrate a teammate's personal victory after a rough recent go of it shows he has the ever ephemeral ~intangibles~
  4. Not to detract from this lovely thread, but my favorite part of returning to the OH after nearly a decade away is seeing the same hitters trading body blows after body blows. God I missed this place.
  5. This thread will not be complete until the Orioles win the WS and someone photoshops Complacent Reynolds into the celebration.
  6. A GIF in which Reynolds is making an error with the entire stadium filled with Complacent Reynolds'. MAKE IT HAPPEN.
  7. <p><p><p>You're message box is full, man</p></p></p>

  8. <p><p><p>Thanks, I appreciate it.</p></p></p>

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