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Remember The Alomar

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Everything posted by Remember The Alomar

  1. Niche complaing, and it's just because I was once a journalist, but it's wild they didn't credit Ourand for breaking it.
  2. Maybe this is naive, but Rubenstein is an Os fan--thus, he probably follows the team, knows how successful Elias has been, and just gives a great mind a budget. It's not like some Bay Area tech billionaire is buying the team.
  3. Wow now we know why SportsGuy hasn't posted the past hour or so.
  4. Thank you, Angelos family, for teaching me at a young age that life is often cruel, disappointing, and rarely goes the way you want it. I would be a very different person if I had not learned this in my early years. For this, you have my appreciation.
  5. Pucks are breaking news left and right tonight.
  6. John Ourand is considered one of the best sports business journalists in the country. Don't think he'd want to blow up his career unless he was 100 percent certain.
  7. $700 mil ended up being right on the money.
  8. I don't disagree, but it's fun to shoot out dumb hypotheticals on a message board. Just like to imagine Ohtani blasting dongs off Grover Alexander.
  9. The all-time home run record would probably stand at 1,100.
  10. Usually "I Told You So" posts are annoying, but this made me laugh very hard. A+ message board dry sarcasm. Thank you, sevastras.
  11. We have been in hell for the past five years. They are in their 20s. The celebration was awesome. Life is too short not to have fun.
  12. It would be hard to do that if it was behind home plate during an Orioles AB.
  13. It's the literal definition of the Streisand Effect.
  14. Forget for a moment whether there is any merit to suspending KB for this (obviously there isn't). Even if there was some absurd rule that an announcer couldn't criticize the Orioles, this wasn't some off the cuff remark--he was literally reading a segment. Did the production staff get suspended too? The producer who wrote the "Trop-ical Depression" header? Absurd all around.
  15. So what I've gleaned from the last five pages of this thread is that Verlander will be living in Roland Park in 24 hours.
  16. John Angelos taking a nervous sip of beer after seeing he was on camera lol
  17. Size. The quote was about who will play short long term. I think he must have swapped the names.
  18. Did Buster Olney just say scouts think Holliday will be bigger than Henderson??
  19. Not trying to bang on you, and I'm not a Frazier hater, but the fact that he can't get to balls others get to matters.
  20. This thread is leading the league in unfortunate phrasing.
  21. Adley's not on that lineup card but thankfully Rutschman is.
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