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Everything posted by murph

  1. My softball league just makes you kiss your sister (unless its a tournament game).
  2. Take this for what it's worth, but heard on The Fan that it is the player who made the last out in the previous inning. I can imagine when that is the teams catcher that, that particular player is going to mysteriously have pulled a hammy making that last out and needs to be replaced. Lots of good questions in your last paragraph.
  3. How many average fans are going to look back at this season and say, look at So and So if they had just played a full season he would have hit 95 home runs or stolen 150 bases or broken the .400 average for a season!
  4. If the reason they are not playing yet was health concerns I would agree completely. I don't want it shut down either (might happen regardless of the start date), but that mess of a negotiation between the owners and players was just awful.
  5. So freaking irritated that they wasted a month bickering. They could be STARTING regular season games July 1st. I'll watch because I love baseball. But the disrespect to us fans is grotesque.
  6. I don't think he is being hostile, I think he is being a baseball fan on a baseball site.
  7. This with one small correction. And even before Covid.
  8. Secret pick? I checked CBS and cannot find who we got. I have to go cook dinner, getting dirty looks. But want to know who it is. Some super overslot winner to save the draft? ?
  9. I know I am late to the party and this may have already been touched on, but on the Fan recently, Elias said they and probably every other MLB club simulated the rest of the college season and maybe that somehow effected the choice(s) in the draft for multiple teams. It is interesting that Martin slid to 5, that has to say something. I am in no position as to conjecture what....
  10. It sounds like the pitcher drafted right after him is a better pick than him. Idk. Maybe Sid and the analytics are showing something that no one else knows!!!! I hope....
  11. I believe you did! I should have chosen more wisely.
  12. Does anybody else wish that ESPN would let the videos of the players actually finish their swing instead of drawing these big fat yellow arrows!!! Edit: didn’t realize what thread I was posting in, but guess it doesn’t really matter anyway.
  13. I know you are just having fun, but that one is allowed, isn't it? Always forget the rules with switch hitter, but I swear I remember a video of a Milb switch pitcher and switch hitter changing back and forth over and over, neither one giving in. But, maybe that was only before the first pitch was thrown?
  14. Just my two cents, but I didn't think it was an insult either, just respectful playfulness to a well known poster with well known posting traits. As for thread, the reading has been great and I think I am leaning mostly to Martin as my preferred choice (or Torkelson if he falls to #2). Just will be great to see anything baseball related, looking forward to the draft, even truncated as it is.
  15. Not nearly as bad as some listed in this thread, but was messaging with a friend about this, this weekend. Melky Cabrera is on my list and mostly for one particular instance. When he was playing for Toronto at OPACY, he was in left field, caught the last out of the inning. Ran up to the stands like he was going to give it to a fan, held it out like he was about to toss it up and then nope, put it in his back pocket and ran into the dugout.
  16. I agree with this wholeheartedly and couldn't we add that we don't know if a PED using player might not have had the same increased results without them, unlikely I am sure, but still possible.
  17. Tyler Wilson was pretty good in the KBO the last two years, a little rough start so far this year: https://www.baseball-reference.com/register/player.fcgi?id=wilson005phi
  18. That was a really neat read, thanks. Even though it was still 15 years ago, I am still surprised Hernandez was allowed to go 150 pitches. Wonder how he did on his next start. Amazing how times have changed.
  19. Just a clarification, it was lowered and it was 5 inches. https://tht.fangraphs.com/the-height-of-the-hill/ I knew it was lowered (and Rick you probably did too and just typed backwards), but couldn't remember by how much.
  20. Glad you are all good Chuck! That had to be scary. This is purely conjecture, I have not evidence to back it up, only things I have heard from fairly direct interactions that any death that is remotely related to Covid is being reported as a Covid death. Including hospice patients, who obviously are terminally ill already, but if they contract Covid and pass, hospice reports is and it is counted as a Covid death. And saying that I am not saying that people should still not take this virus seriously, I have older parents who my family and I are constantly urging they stay home and isolated and will insist they do so for quite some time to come. But how things are being reported with this (IMO) are not fair and accurate. It's really disappointing and worrisome because the next pandemic may not be taken as nearly as seriously if this all comes out as having been statistically manipulated and over hyped. Anyway, love seeing Manfred saying he things there will be baseball this summer. May that is just a ploy by him to try to get the players association to give a bit, but hoping not and that it truly is positive news.
  21. Nice job @atomic, not kidding. I did also think it was worse in the beginning, but have been backing off that for quite a while. For baseball, this really sucks (Snell, Bauer, etc...), I am hoping they do play, but I feel like the last time the players union and the owners were this far apart, it took Cal Ripken playing every game ever to bring baseball back form a strike.
  22. Agree completely and not worry about a Dylan Bundy hurting himself running the bases. I cringe every time one of the O's pitchers would get a hit or a walk.
  23. I am sure this has already been discussed, but I missed it, if they do get this off the ground with MLB playing but the minors not playing, how does roster management work? Are the teams just hoping their Milb players stay in game shape and ready to preform if called up? I know they are talking expanded rosters, but expanding enough to be able to compete with whatever losses happen (even in shortened season)? I could think of a few more questions with the Milb players, but has this been discussed and how the full major and minor league rosters would be handled?
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