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Everything posted by Sanfran327

  1. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why anyone here is upset with what we gave up at the deadline. I totally understand why some would be upset that we were not more aggressive. It definitely would have been nice to get ERod, for example. But if folks were upset about the nothingburger we traded for Flaherty, I don't even want to think of the level of mass hand-wringing that would be going on here if we assembled an ERod package. I saw this article earlier and laughed because it's full of crap. Editorial fluff. We'll get Wells and Hall back into the bullpen in the near future, and that trickle-down effect will give everyone else a role better suited for their ability. Do not underestimate what we just did at the deadline. It's easy to do if you focus solely on the player that arrived in a vacuum, which I admit is not that spectacular, but it unlocks so much potential within our own org without giving up anything of any consequence to acquire him that I'd almost guarantee that this article will not age well. If anyone is a loser, it's the author and the people that lap it up (no offense to the OP).
  2. We are a different team because of Adley, but Gunnar is an absolute star. He's so good already and will just get so much better.
  3. We are like a different team when Mountcastle is swingin it. He can be so good sometimes.
  4. Wells is now free to return to the big club and help the bullpen. Fantastic. Hall will do the same. Fuji for added depth last week. Flaherty might not be that remarkable on his own, but he opens up a few other possibilities and makes the staff better overall. ‘whatever we get out of Means this year will be gravy.
  5. Well, this is the internet, and while not a single person that disagreed with my premise has offered a shred of a reason why not, flamers gonna flame. Well done.
  6. I’m not gonna lie, I’m borderline annoyed every time he does something good, but he just announced his presence with authority. Wowie.
  7. Drafting Adley wasn’t even a choice. He was the consensus #1 served to us on a platter. Holiday, at least as of right now, looks like a savvy choice given the number of other potential blue chip prospects. Still, the draft is a crap shoot, and now a lot of those guys have very real and impactful value. What we decide to do with them right now is critically important.
  8. Is that an overstatement? I’ll admit I’m a hyperbole guy, but it sure feels like it could be. There are pros and cons to hitting the trade market aggressively, moderately, mildly, and not at all. Whatever the choice is, Elias has to nail it. We should absolutely not just be glad to be here just because it’s a a year ahead of the projections. If we can go out and win this thing, then we should try like hell to do it. If after a long, hard look in the mirror, we don’t think we are legitimate candidates win it all, then we should call it like it is and stand pat. Hell, maybe we get lucky even if we do nothing. We’ve won a ton of games with this talent, and tons of series along the way. In our previous runs, we didn’t have the talent pool to leverage to improve the big club that we do now. This specific sort of pressure did not exist in 2012, 14, or 16. Mike and Sig know our guys better than anyone, but they don’t have a crystal ball. Whatever they do, it has to be right.
  9. Ortiz will be the first guy here in September, and Mateo will likely not start another game for the rest of the season. I don't remember what the postseason roster rules are, but with Ortiz having his cup of coffee earlier this year, does he already qualify for a post-season roster spot? I could see the FO trying to limp through this situation until September, bring up Ortiz immediately and plug him in for the rest of the way, and let the Mateo situation resolve itself naturally at the end of the season. I just don't see any team taking him in a trade at this point because right now, he's not even good at the things he's supposed to be good at.
  10. How much do the Mets care about money? If we took on either one of the FULL contracts for Scherzer or Verlander, we may not need to give up much. I'd actually do that in a second. Verlander has this year and next year at $43M each, and Scherzer has a 3rd year at the same price, but can opt out after this season. I'd take either one at full contract value if it meant not having to send a whole lot back in return. A package of the non-untouchables wouldn't bother me in the slightest, but IDK if that's realistic or not, even with taking on a full contract.
  11. That's definitely more in line with my "eye test" of late. I've watched more or less every game or listened on the radio, and the contact is way up for sure, I guess he's done an okay job preventing runs from scoring. Hoping he can tighten it back up.
  12. Wow. Would have never guessed that.
  13. No disagreement here. Just noting that Philly has a very stout lineup. Maybe not quite LAD quality, but close. Giving up a single to the MVP and a double to their cleanup hitter (agree again - terrible pitch there) isn't exactly getting rocked. And he got 2 quick ones to begin the inning, IIRC. I think it's easy to expect perfection from a guy that was literally perfect for so long, and while I do agree that he's slowed down quite a bit since then, I probably wouldn't call him mediocre. I just hope he can rebound for September and October.
  14. The two most annoying losses lately were due to defensive letdowns. Had Hicks caught the ball up against the wall early on in the grand slam inning, that GS would have never happened, and the damage would have been something like 1 run, or perhaps no runs. Catchable ball - no idea what happened on that play other than he was spooked by the way. Ced makes that play, and I have every reason to think that Ced will be 100% healthy by the post season, so I'm not too bent out of shape about that as a team weakness, because that will fix itself when our normal GG CFer returns. Cano did not pitch poorly last night at all, IMO. Not great, but not poorly. Mateo let us down just as much as Cano did, and Mateo's time here could be coming to an end soon. Again, I'd like to believe that Joey Ortiz makes that play on Realmuto's hit, so I also see that as a situation that - if the club manages the situation properly - should correct itself as well. Frobby's right. We were due for a loss like that. But that wasn't the full-strength O's squad, either. So... ho-hum. Nobody likes a loss, but they're gonna happen.
  15. I'd be interested to see some research on our 2014 season, because it felt like we were winning 5 nights a week in August and September that year, and we didn't nearly get off to the start we have in 2023. So even though we'd have to go 39-43 (.629) the rest of the way to break 100 wins on the year, if this starts to happen, 101+ wins (.623+) just might be within reach.
  16. I saw something on Facebook last week that seemed to be from a legitimate media outlet - could have even been from YES - that said something to the effect of "Yankees are comfortable with current roster, but plan to address C, OF, SP, and RP options at the trade deadline." So, we good, but we also plan to overhaul 40% of our roster. LOL The Yankees and their fans are delusional. They're so frustrated that they haven't won a championship since 2009, compounded by the fact that their most recent legitimate bid at it was thwarted by a dwarf with a buzzer under his jersey, that their perception of reality is utterly baseless. Honestly, I love the insanity. Desperation leads to poor decisions, and that's what we want them to do.
  17. Good lord Hyde can’t be serious with his intention to pinch hit here. Pinch hit for Mateo for the love of god.
  18. I love how like 10 of us had the same thought about Urias over Frazier. Good stuff.
  19. It’s a gutter war (coincidently, also in St. Petersburg). Hopefully Gibson got his head out of his a$$ in the bullpen and is ready to go pitch 7 strong.
  20. Even that can be a bit of a blessing depending on how you look at it. 17 games in 17 days is a bit more tolerable with expanded rosters, and our minor league players are a real asset to boot. Like I said in my earlier reply, just go out and play and it should all take care of itself.
  21. All depends on your outlook. We have 4 more games to go, but currently in 1st and playing really well. 4 more games are 4 more opportunities for wins that the Rays don’t have. Just keep your eye on the road ahead and it should all work out.
  22. Yes, their version of Squeaky Voice Teen is a good bit. Always gets a chuckle out of me.
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