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Everything posted by Sanfran327

  1. It might not be so bad if the top five can do some damage. The bottom four have done jack lately. So that might not be quite fair to Mateo.
  2. Hope they get this one in. All of these rainy Saturdays have meant no golf for me in a while, so I hope to at least catch a ballgame. Grayson coming off the IL for the start as we commence a 6 man rotation.
  3. Truly Adley Deeply... enough. Kevin Brown is savage.
  4. If this becomes a double and we are F'd out of a win, I'm... I don't know what.
  5. Easy call. Safe. He swiped the tag way ahead of the slide and the hand touched the plate long before the glove touched him.
  6. I had the same thought. First and foremost, he'd have to have a willingness to give it a try, and I'm not sure he would at his age and with his resume. But I do think he could be good in the role if if gave it a shot.
  7. God I hate rhetorical, condescending questions. I get what you're saying, but without knowing anything about a potential trade package, it's impossible to assume anything about the value we'd be getting. He's still absolutely better than Kremer and Wells (if we want to keep thinking of him as a starter, which we shouldn't), and arguably better than Irvin unless you think he's destined for a career/outlier season. A rotation of Burnes, Bradish, Irvin, Verlander, and Means is a pretty formidable one, and that doesn't even consider Grayson's pending return. I think ME and Hyde would figure out a way to use all of that talent effectively. But it would be an immediate no for me if they wanted anyone better than Stowers in return. Agree we need a reliever more than a starter, but adding Kremer and Means to the bullpen could be a nice boost as well. Finally, to be clear, I'm not advocating for this to happen, but you see a lot of crap on other sites, and I wanted to see if anyone thought this had legs.
  8. Considering nobody here is talking about it that I've noticed, I doubt it's more than a baseless rumor, other than the fact that the Astros are off to a slow start (they'll pick up the pace, they always do). Did JV really put us on his list of acceptable destinations in his NTC? Is there any way to know that for sure? His baseball card stats look fine to me, but you gotta be concerned about a pitcher his age and injury history at his cost.
  9. And this is with a few bullpen hiccups along the way. I like that we are winning “winning ball club’s” games. Our last three wins have been those kinds of wins, where we may not have even out played our opponent, but won the game. (Well, we did out play Arizona on Saturday, but not the Friday or Wednesday games). What concerns me a bit though is how close the Yankees are to us in the standings. We are off to an historically good start, but they have the same number of wins as us? We saw that team, and they’re not hat good. I’d like to start separating from the division a bit so we are not playing so many stressful games the way we had to down the stretch last year. Back to the topic at hand, this has been a fun start, and I think it’s only gong to get better.
  10. I think a lot of us are waiting for Irvin to have some regression, but I’m with you. I’m officially on Irvin Breakout watch. Had the same thought yesterday myself. 100% agree about Westburg. He’s fantastic and looks like he’s got staying power. What a great development.
  11. I’m not up on contracts, but Means is a free agent after this season as well, right? No idea about Irvin. Pretty sure we have a decent amount of control left over Bradish and Kremer. I know we have a ways to go with Grayson. So the rotation could look very different next year. Hopefully Povich is up for it. I’d try to find a way to call him up this year, even if out of the bullpen. He’s gotta start facing MLB hitters this year if he’s going to slot into the rotation next year IMO. But, like the rest of our team, I think the rotation today is quite good, and still not as good as it’s going to be later into the summer. I look forward to everyone’s turn now to see what they’ll accomplish next.
  12. Even without Grayson, this is a nasty group. Would like to see them get to 20 outs a bit more often, but it’s early yet. This could be a special group when all is said and done. Soak it up!
  13. The only situation I want to develop with McKenna is a nice dram of 10 year BIB. We can get rid of pop-up droppin, bag over-slidin, bad-route taking Ryan any day now.
  14. I made this joke in another thread, but it's more relevant to this one, so I'll do it again. 1,000% chance Melanie Newman says "gracias!" with a big, dopey smile after ordering her meal at a Mexican restaurant.
  15. I've been a partial season ticket holder (well, part of a group that splits up a two sets of full season tickets) for the Caps for the last, I think, 3 years. October will be my 4th season. Getting to Capital One on a weekday is an absolute nightmare every single time. Fridays are the absolute worst. And I think Cap One is WAY easier to get to than Nats Park. Who thought it would be a good idea to put a stadium at the end of a peninsula? And it's not like 295, 395, 267, and 66 are full of after-work commuters at that time of day, right? It's enough to make me wan to quit the group. In fact, once Ovie breaks the record or retires, I intend to. The fact that it's easier to get from Herndon to Baltimore on a weekday than it is to get from Herndon to downtown DC is absurd. The things we do as fans... Hope your phone situation is resolved swiftly, Frobby. How frustrating.
  16. How was I supposed to know we were on a streak like this without Melanie Newman talking about it every 37 seconds? 1000% she says “Gracias” after ordering her meal at a Mexican restaurant.
  17. McKenna just bothers me in general. Reminds me of Baker Mayfield, who also annoys me.
  18. I think Hyde probably learned a lesson tonight. I don’t think we’re going to see Kimbrell in many save situations for a little while. And I do wonder if he could be heading to the IL.
  19. I saw a lot of comments in the game threads about how the Yankees can't hit, but they have playoff caliber pitching (in some spots). Yes, their closer throws a whiffle ball. Their starters can be feast or famine (depending on which side of the fence you're on). Prob 2 or 3 other very nice bullpen arms, including the most Bronx baseball name of all time, Ron Marinaccio. Ronnie Uncle Jimmy probably grew up breaking windows playing stick ball on Wilson Avenue. Anyway... Playoff caliber pitching with a somewhat toothless lineup could be great experience for us throughout the season. They'll continue to win games against bad teams and hang around in the division race all year, so each matchup we have with them will have some mild playoff intensity to it. In short, the Yankees could be a fun simulator for us this year. Finally, they're good for something.
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