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Posts posted by Whatss

  1. I have a problem staying with one book at a time so here is a list of books I'm currently reading.

    Most of these books I found at a second hand bookstore, which is an awesome place.

    The Luciano Store by Sid Feder and Joachim Joesten. Story of Lucky Luciano, probably the most powerful gangster in American and International history. Very exciting read about the rise and fall of Luciano.

    The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami. Interesting book to say the least. It has it's momments where it is hard to put the book down, like detailing how the Mongols in WWII tortured enemy soldiers by skinning them alive. The problem is sometimes it trails off and you have to put the book down to remain sane.

    Ramones, An American Band by Jim Bessman. Just bought this book to be honest. I have always been a huge Ramones fan and well found this hiding in the bookstore. The cover is quite worn, but that is what happens sometimes at these stores, they are still awesome places to go.

    I just finished reading....

    Game of Shadows by Mark Fainaru-Wada and Lance Williams. The book is alright. The parts about Barry Bonds were very exciting to read but the rest of it was boring. I do not find anything interesting about Victor Conte, or BALCO. I believe too much was devoted to the boring exploits of Conte and IRS agent Jeff Novitzky seems like a tool. I would recommend the book for the exploits of Bonds alone.

    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. I never read the book before picking up a copy at the store, I loved it.

    Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli. My favorite book as a kid. I lent the book to my niece to read and when she returned it, I had to read it again. :D

    Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut. Vonnegut is probably my favorite writer, with Mother Night being the most exciting book I have read.

    What are you reading?

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