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Posts posted by jrobb21613

  1. 54 minutes ago, Frobby said:


    I agree. I also believe that there can some level of overkill as far as development and time in the minors and it possibly in some cases with some guys do more harm than good.

  2. 1 hour ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Why do you feel that way?

    I don’t like the idea or feel like it’s the right thing to do to a prospect you value to have him riding the shuttle back and forth. Now if they don’t feel like Stewart is going to be a impact player for the future than no big deal but if they do treat him with the respect he deserves and I don’t think shuttling a guy back and forth is right. Just my opinion and maybe not a big deal just kinda don’t seem right to me.

  3. Imo the only way it should be Stewart is if they plan on keeping him long term even after Davis comes off the il and not shuttling him back in s handful days. 

    If Davis comes off the il 10 days will Stewart be able to get enough playing time at bats here it make sense for us to keep him?

  4. I was very encouraged with what I saw from Bundy today especially inducing the ground ball. Without looking at his previous stats I don’t think that’s been a strength of his.

  5. 2 hours ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

    Well word is MLB will not allow the sons to take ownership of the team under any circumstances. 

    Isn’t that really just s rumor or dimes educated opinion? Had there been a statement from mlb that supports that opinion? 

  6. 8 minutes ago, ChuckS said:

    I haven't seen Wilkerson play center since he's been called up, which I assumed was the reasoning for him getting the call over Santander and Stewart in the first place. 

    I'd send Wilkerson down. 

    I hear ya. I just really like Stevie’s versatility and I like his bat better than Rickards. From what I’ve seen from Rickard in cf I’m not impressed I imagine Smith, Wilkerson, Santander could do just as good of job.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Do you think he is developing in the minors or just killing time?

    I think what developing he has left to do needs to be done in the majors.

    I’m sure there’s some combination of both going on. No doubt his biggest developmental stage has passed and I believe his ready to contribute to the big league club. I just think he would better served and so would the organization if he’s getting regular at bats and the way the roster is currently constructed in Baltimore I don’t see that happening so until a trade occurs or injury happens let’s allow him to continue to get everyday at bats in Norfolk continue  build on what he’s worked on.

    Now if the Orioles don’t view him more than a platoon guy and not everyday major leaguer than get him up there now.

  8. I like Stewart a lot and think he’s the most ready to contribute now than any of our minor league guys, however unless Stewart can come up and get everyday playing time I’d much rather see him continue to develop in the minors where he can play everyday instead of having to spend half his time on the bench being a platoon guy.

  9. 27 minutes ago, atomic said:

    If a player has 5 years of major-league service, he may not be assigned to a minor-league team without his consent. This exclusion applies regardless of whether he has not yet been outrighted once, has remaining options, or has cleared waivers. If the player withholds consent, the team must either release him or keep him on the major league roster. In either case, the player must continue to be paid under the terms of his contract. If he is released and signs with a new team, his previous team must pay the difference in salary between the two contracts if the previous contract called for a greater salary.

    Wonder if it would do him some good. If it’s something they’ve considered if so can they sell him on it and would he consent. I think it would definitely be better for the club if he went down and tried to figure out how to hit again in the minors then trying to figure it out in the big league club. 

  10. Fastball to me appeared to have more movement on it than I’ve seen before did a good job mixing in his off speed pitches  keeping hitters off balance. I still am not sold on Bundy being an effective big league starter and think he could be stellar as a late inning reliever and think that’s where his future is. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, Enjoy Terror said:

    Just because Severino is here doesn’t mean he won’t get DFA’d. I don’t imagine there are many other teams who would take him on right now.

    My thoughts exactly, Elias likes the kid values his Defense realizes that there is a good chance  he would go unclaimed and we outright to the minors. I’d rather have his arm and defense than Stevie Wilkerson.  Dfa cat and mouse game has started. 

  12. Dirty plays or dirty players are not some new revelation to the game of baseball they’ve and they have been happening throughout the history of baseball and it happens in every sport. Do I agree with it? No. Do I wish it wasn’t the kind of player Manny is? Yes. Is it the First time Manny has ever done a dirty play? No. Is it going to be the last?  No. Should the Brewers drill him when opportunity presents whether this series or next year? You bet your ass they should and they will when the time is right. At the end of the Day I enjoy baseball all aspects of the game even the dirty plays and I especially enjoy a young man with as much Talent as Manny Machado play the game. I hope to watch him grow into a more mature man over the coming years.

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