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About Tbone83

  • Birthday 02/18/1976

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  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Cedric Mullins
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Cal Ripken

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Major Leaguer Cup of Coffee

Major Leaguer Cup of Coffee (7/14)

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  1. It was such a strange play I really can't fault the base coach there...if the ball hits the ground and JH is standing on 3rd he probably doesn't score either. And you can't foresee the collision. I agree that Jackson's horrible miss on that DP ball was the worst play of the game. Also the bullpen didn't have to instantly give up the game in extras. Nice comeback in the 9th but too many mistakes and unclutch performances overall.
  2. AL East is going to come down to who wants it less, apparently.
  3. I'm not making a list. Just saying, dude had horrible ABs tonight and that throw in was poor too.
  4. The milkman did not deliver tonight.
  5. Absolutely. Many- including me- didn't want anything to do with those two in the starting lineup/rotation but they have stepped up BIG time.
  6. Between the comments and the undershirt, it almost seemed more like he was sauced than suffering from the conditions demonstrated by a certain former presidential candidate. Regardless, kind of a bizarre situation.
  7. Really hoping Cowser's hustle slide becomes 2024's "don't throw it away, don't throw it at all!" play. Granted, two very different players but both young, and both plays came late in the season when a win was needed.
  8. May actually get TWO hits off of him!
  9. Gunnar is not very clutch. Like ever. Love the guy, but not a lot of positive game-changing, swing the momentum at bats or plays from him. Lots of bad Ks too.
  10. Really hope they turn it around in all aspects soon. This is looking less like a slump and more like they just aren’t good enough. Where is that May/June team that looked like WS contenders?
  11. Starting to get whimsical for that brief period post-Burnes trade where we had, in theory, one of the best rotations in MLB. Back end and most of the bullpen is ROUGH right now. The offense getting Rangers 23 hot in late September is about all there is left to hope for. At least the playoff rotation will be serviceable. Going to be hard to win series the rest of the way though, with black holes in the 4 and 5 spots.
  12. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It would accomplish nothing. Just like when two of our guys took one for Judge being unintentionally hit. I get it, just sick of seeing our guys just take it. 3 really bad HBP this month. Kjerstad McCann Westburg.
  13. Somebody on Toronto should have been plunked today. Obviously not intentional by them but come on. McCann gets his face taken off and now we lose one of our top 5 position players?
  14. B- for 2024. B for 2025. Eflin deal was very solid. Rogers deal seemed like a overpay to me. Siranthony and Soto were ok deals. The rest...take a flyer, meh, whatever. The market was just so insane I feel like it held everyone back. So part of my B is for the patience holding back and not making an insane deal as bad or worse than what the Padres did. If the big names did move and for more realistic cost, then I would lean more C for the Orioles. But the deals were just not there.
  15. Pretty much my thoughts. I get the need. But it is still an overpay, blocked or not blocked. Maybe we will get lucky, who knows. It's looking more and more like pitching is going to have to be added via free agency with this assumed higher spending owner. The market is just too damn high, everyone needs pitching. The Os are like that kid who started saving money for a car in 2016 and built up a nice nest egg, then he starts shopping for the car in spring 2020 as Covid is hitting and all of the sudden his nest egg buys a lot less car.
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