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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. It sure is. But we don't have and will never get more information so it's still the best way to go. We know a lot of guys don't try rehabbing their tears. We know that occasionally manages to avoid or substantially delay surgery. If they say there is a chance to avoid it, I don't blame the player for trying to avoid it.
  2. You can get a Buscone and turn pro at 16. Or go to college and get abused.
  3. If they did and he wanted to do the rehab I don't have a problem with it. I've had two surgeries in the last five years and I delayed both of them as long as was feasible and I'll probably do the same the next time something comes up. I'm a firm believer that the stress of surgery and recovery takes something out of the body that, at least my age, doesn't come back.
  4. What if it is? It is not as if everyone recovers fully from TJ surgery. You shouldn't operate on someone if the professionals think it isn't needed.
  5. Maybe they could add another premium guy like Maikol Hernandez?
  6. Do you operate on someone when the professionals say it isn't needed? It kills me when fans go "Just give him the surgery now." Surgery should be a last resort, not a first response. Some guys avoid surgery after rehabbing partial tears.
  7. If it's the perception than it's the perception that guides the reality.
  8. I doubt they have anything that would stand up to any sort of peer review process. I do recommend The Arm, I should probably re-read it my next day off.
  9. Eh. Means took his time coming back and slow rolled his way into the season and he still went down again.
  10. I was just giving an example of one that was faster. There is a pretty fair degree of variance. I haven't read The Arm recently but it had some good info in it.
  11. Josh Johnson was back in 11 months. For non-pitchers Bryce Harper was hardly out at all.
  12. Sure it is, you get a new batch of 9 year olds every year.
  13. Probably. But it's similar stuff to what other teams are doing. Lot's of TJ surgeries recently.
  14. Was hoping it was going to be the brace procedure.
  15. Once again it wasn't so much VVM in particular as it was the fact that they traded FOR International slots and then didn't use them. VVM was just one of the only targets left.
  16. I don't think they care about Stowers hitting every day.
  17. Coming into today's game he has had five in the last seven days and 12 over the last 14. Adley is at 9 and 14.
  18. Sure, just tell them I said you could leave.
  19. I personally thought he was not an ace.
  20. Pham would be interesting since it would be in sharp contrast to the school of thought that Elias cares about character in his players.
  21. He wouldn't have been that cheap.
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