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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. If Elias hadn't traded Hays Hays would be on the IL. He's been on the IL twice since he was traded.
  2. It's literally his job to deal with things like that. At least none of his players have been outed as a pedophile.
  3. Because they don't want teams packing it in and giving up. Were you watching the Orioles during the long stretches they were bad? It's not a good product. They would rather the average teams stay in the hunt instead of selling off.
  4. Rays last year. Braves and Dodgers this year. When you go a decade or more between October runs you have fewer data points to pull from.
  5. And then everything went great for them in the years that followed.
  6. I didn't want him in the first place but do they even have an replacement on hand?
  7. The coaches are implementing Elias' offensive gameplan. Do you think they are doing a poor job? I do think the umpire errors impact the O's more than most teams.
  8. Pretty sure it was Ripken. For the modern Orioles. Some Browns player probably had 100.
  9. They should get a hobby. Maybe Legos?
  10. Oh I'm aware. This is still more interesting than the game.
  11. My set up is not that sophisticated. All my money is tied up in these new headphones.
  12. Come on Gameday I want a replay of the RBI walk. Get with it.
  13. Oh, sorry, when you reply to me and say "you" it's confusing. What's less productive, being the guy that is complaining about someone saying the game is over or being the guy complaining about the guy complaining about someone saying the game is over?
  14. WTH are you talking about? I've been hounding people about it? Put down the 40, you've had enough.
  15. I'd hate to think what that chunk of real estate would cost the tax payers (You know ownership ain't paying).
  16. I was just chiming in with some board history from the last time the Orioles were actually good. And I'm in Florida, the grass has spurs in it.
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