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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. It's a friend's. I can't just go and borrow it.
  2. What if you have a service bovine?
  3. You know Umps don't make that much money right? Pretty unfair of you to give them grief over a call here or there that helps a prop bet along.
  4. Are you suggesting that Stowers catch? McCann hasn't been the DH this season.
  5. He could still get a PH chance!
  6. I don't think they are designed to look good. Something that we think looks good would mesh and blend into the uniform. These are designed to be conspicuous.
  7. We've had posters here that are opposed to changing it. Of course I can't prove that they aren't members of one the groups you listed.
  8. Trying to up the pitch count.
  9. I liked Britton, I only had to give him a tiny sliver of attention and he kept inducing weak ground balls.
  10. I don't want Mullins leading off the next inning.
  11. Think of the additional cost in fabric and labor.
  12. I heard Burnes made him cry.
  13. Umps got prop bets just like the rest of us.
  14. It's up on Gameday. 18 consecutive games in a row....
  15. Sure he hit into an inning ending double play but he saw five pitches so that was the best at bat of the inning right?
  16. This pitcher for the Rays isn't showing very much yet. I hope he doesn't run his pitch count up too high and get himself out of the game.
  17. You want McCann catching 65 games?
  18. Thanks for the rep but I wasn't joking.
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