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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Blue Jays ownership has always been erratic. I think it was 2014 were they just flat out told the FO they couldn't add any payroll for a playoff push.
  2. Anyone else getting a going through the motions vibe from the Jays? I don't just mean now that they are down a bunch.
  3. According to the internet we were both wrong, it was nine. https://www.statmuse.com/mlb/ask/which-orioles-player-has-the-most-rbi-in-a-game
  4. He had a 10 RBI once right?
  5. Like the one Old Yeller got?
  6. If I ever had any respect for him I would have lost it after that crap with the Phillies.
  7. Mountcastle inning. They walk him this time?
  8. I think the issue is going to be the legs breaking down.
  9. That is just looking at the park configuration and where he has hit the ball. It doesn't factor in things like the batter's eye and an unrelenting hatred of poutine.
  10. I just sat back down. HAHA.
  11. That pitch he put into play wasn't even close to being a strike.
  12. I'm not in favor of ever throwing at anyone but hey at least the Ump has a mask on and it'd be novel.
  13. That'd be like throwing at Adley for framing a pitch. The ump is the problem.
  14. Who are you guys suggesting they plunk? The ump that blew the call?
  15. It's all about the pitch count.
  16. /grumbles while I go look up Molitor's stats....
  17. I shave with Occam's razor.
  18. I'm not talking about maintaining peak performance. Cruz improved.
  19. Well if you just mean one season you also have Ortiz. But Cruz got BETTER at an age that guys decline.
  20. I suspect he kept using HGH and Steroids.
  21. Young players are also less expensive and can be easily sent down. I don't think the risk is greater.
  22. Literally no player aged as well as Cruz.
  23. You have folks that are caught up in the early 2000's mentality. In today's game, guys get pulled with low pitch counts and relievers all seem to throw 98. I'd rather keep facing the starters.
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