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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Professional hitter. Funny how his stance isn't bugging anyone this year.
  2. Which makes the idea of running up his pitch count laughable. Oh no, the guy that's only supposed to pitch an inning or two is throwing a lot of pitches.
  3. But that doesn't have to do with the other guys being young. You could say the same about adding vets. There is also risk in keeping guys too long and having to deal with them suddenly putting up an OPS+ of 70 or even 58. In a vacuum you can just say, hey let's just dump those guys, but in reality it isn't that easy.
  4. Why? Are they all going to skip the game to go hang out behind the mall and vape?
  5. It probably means next to nothing. Three decisions over 7 seasons...
  6. Wait till he finds out folks call the Orioles the Racist Birds.
  7. Who are you? The new number two Who is number one? You are number six
  8. He's been paying an agent right? Boras has facilities.
  9. I'd rather they did but I won't obsess over it,
  10. Those guys never tested positive.
  11. The two teams play the same schedule.
  12. I'm hoping to see him at third this series.
  13. They took the camera out the center.
  14. Gausman looks bad. Why would you want his pitch count high? I'd rather he stay in.
  15. I just want to see a lot of pitches.
  16. Like access to their rehab facilities? Sure.
  17. You are going to have an Ump get caught at some point. Prop bets make it easy money.
  18. If the O's lose they will only be 8.5 games ahead of the Jays.
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