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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Frazier is still playing in the majors.
  2. It was mostly fake. They'd put on a layer of protective flab and give each other shallow cuts so they'd bleed all over.
  3. Once again, lineup order is mostly meaningless. So if it makes a player happier, why not do it?
  4. Like I said, can you read? Of course I'm regurgitating what I saw here I SAID AS MUCH. Geez. Part of being a good manager, in baseball or anywhere else, is to put your people in a position to succeed. If Adley would rather not deal with the hassle any more than he has to, OK, how is that a problem?
  5. What? I said I read it here. Can't you read? As for me I can totally see Adley or any other player going, Hey Skip, it's kind of a pain to do this and I'd rather hit second if it's OK with you. I'm not suggesting he would flat out refuse to bat leadoff but yea, communication is important and if he isn't comfortable doing it, I would expect him to say something. Why wouldn't he? Once again, lineup order doesn't much effect scoring so player comfort is a good a reason as any.
  6. I thought he was laughing about Norby being a future stud.
  7. Supposedly he has mentioned it to Hyde. I read about it here. Seems reasonable to me but I haven't discussed it with him.
  8. You've never read the claim? I've read the claim, it's basically what you just said. It's too hard for him to do it so he doesn't like to do it. I've seen it here for weeks. If it's hard for him to do it, why wouldn't he dislike doing it? As for "what he does?" He does it, he just would rather not DO IT MORE OFTEN. I don't like to stay late at work. Sometimes I have to do it, but I'd rather not. I don't ask to do it. Lineup order isn't important, the comfort of the players probably makes more of an impact.
  9. If Adley doesn't like having to do it, wouldn't it make sense not to have him do it when possible?
  10. Not enough guys with options.
  11. I know numerous very nice young ladies with nose rings. Standards change.
  12. Why did Ohtani? They want to compete in the majors, with the team of their choice.
  13. Hand grenades. Thermonuclear weapons.
  14. Best I can do is to get some of them to follow me on Spotify.
  15. Shame. I was tempted to go to Ybor to see them but...I'm old and it's Ybor. Haven't been to Ybor in maybe 20 years and I don't think I could get the young folks I know to go with me.
  16. I hope you are joking. So much stuff was happening that I had no idea about. I've been listening to This Heat earlier today. You think I had any idea they existed back in the early 80's?
  17. I got into a rut for a long time but youtube and spotify helped me break out. You like Geese? They are an actual American rock and roll band.
  18. They are new. All have had debuts since 2019-2020? Some of them are obnoxiously young. Dry Cleaning has older members but they are the outlier.
  19. I'm still waiting for Modern Woman to release a full album. I'm getting worried it will never happen.
  20. Squid is part of the Windmill scene with three of the bands I just posted. I liked their second album a lot more than their debut. Spotify calls it "Crank Wave".
  21. These guys do angry, and crooner, and jazz fusion. These girls are just great. Not angry at all. He's much more of a sad boy than a mad boy. These guys are a bit angry but they are also political and funny. I could easily go on.
  22. Define popular. The current Post Punk scene in England is great.
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