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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I'm excited about not having to watch Wynns hit.
  2. I was happy with my effort and in the end that is all that matters.
  3. At least I got some really good ranting in when it happened. I was throwing down with everyone that day.
  4. The aquarium is still super nice right and everyone love Mr Trash Wheel.
  5. People have an unclear image of Maddux. I'll be simple about this. You have to be able to strike people out to have long term success in the major leagues. You can't allow these guys to put that many balls into play.
  6. Hasn't half the league purged him?
  7. Except the part were the situation is being exacerbated by MLB messing with the balls. Looks at what is happening in AAA.
  8. I don't think this has gotten worse. I think that overall command and control is at a pretty high level compared to when I was growing up.
  9. Oh. I was hoping he would do well. Seems like a good kid.
  10. I'll trade Mancini, Givens and Nunez if we can dump Trumbo and Davis both.
  11. At 16 he might not be done yet.
  12. I'm guessing it is a combination of the size, age, and position. Sixteen and 6'4" in center are eye catching numbers.
  13. If ownership allows it than nothing could be easier.
  14. He put up a 905 OPS in Tulsa last year with more walks than strikeouts.
  15. Yes. Similar career arc in center.
  16. Father- Country Mother- Rod Stewart and Bob Seager Sister- Hair metal (to this day)
  17. Yea, it isn't baseball but check out this catch.
  18. And yet, Huey Lewis and you are all over it. Strange world.
  19. Drungo is so old he makes Simpsons references.
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