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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. How much of a gap exists between how much the O's have spent previously and how much cap room they will have? Four million? More? Less? They can set a new high water mark and still be last in spending among teams not under sanction.
  2. Hopefully I'm wrong. I ain't wrong yet.
  3. Multiple 26 year old Cubans? Just wait till all the kids change their minds and sign with the Cubs.
  4. I'm thinking the 2018 list isn't going to change. ?
  5. I could have used the help! Just kidding, I don't need help.
  6. I'm pretty sure we decided that velocity is the least important thing for a pitcher. Everyone else seemed pretty adamant about it.
  7. Calling him up to play in the outfield?
  8. Koji Uehara retires. https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20190520/p2g/00m/0sp/034000c
  9. March texted and they want their meme back. ?
  10. Maybe the O's will get him back?
  11. They offered him a contract that probably 28 other teams wouldn't have matched.
  12. Why is this in Orioles talk and why isn't this just part of this other thread? Also, I don't get the fascination with round numbers.
  13. Pretty much you do. Not like the O's have a lot of margin for error.
  14. Hasn't dropped off since? He was replacement level last year. Now he has rebounded but last season did happen.
  15. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
  16. You lost me when you said you think. ? Draft order matters when it comes to prospect lists, not when you are looking at a guy in his third year in the majors. No one is going "This hot start isn't sustainable because he was selected in the eighth round.". It's a poor narrative and you should retire it.
  17. Yes, the great wall contusion that didn't result in a DL stint yet trashed his numbers for three months. I've heard about that. What I haven't heard about, I mean other than from you, is how Mancini being an eighth round pick means bupkiss now that he's in the majors.
  18. Three months in a row isn't long? 2018- May 597 OPS June 674 OPS July 623 OPS Sorry for disrupting your rant.
  19. I'm guessing here but I think he was worried about the dip in velocity.
  20. Was just adding it for emphasis.
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