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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I hear excessive emoticon use is what drove Malike away from the board.
  2. https://blogs.fangraphs.com/jalen-beeks-dallas-braden-and-john-means-on-crafting-their-changeups/
  3. Urias arrested. https://www.tmz.com/2019/05/14/julio-urias-arrested-dodgers-pitcher/
  4. I looked it up. I mean, I knew he never won one but I didn't recall his highest finish.
  5. He did finish third in one of those years, which I guess is an accomplishment.
  6. I can't believe it either! What year do you think he won the Cy Young?
  7. Some folks like the rain.
  8. And if he can hit, he's still a value add at catcher.
  9. But have they tried throwing curveballs? ?
  10. They get cocky they can start removing tarps.
  11. You can always watch some Padre games.
  12. When do pitchers publicly say anything bad about throwing to a catcher who is still on the team?
  13. The one I posted days ago that you said you would read. And no, it doesn't mention Sisco at all. Doesn't mean it isn't relevant.
  14. We've tried that twice and lost both times.
  15. Cobb's ERA isn't 11, it's only 10.95.
  16. I hope Zack bought him something nice. Like a house.
  17. You missed a shot at a cross post.
  18. I think it takes awhile for his shoulder to loosen up.
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