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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. He had half a dozen starts in AAA last year. It isn't like they pulled him out of A ball.
  2. Marlins claim British Virgin Island citizenship. http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article208398234.html
  3. Outside the box? Folks have been thinking outside that box multiple times each season since Nick signed with the Braves.
  4. No trolling. Trading for Nick right now would be buying high. The expression buy high sell low is an obvious riff off the expression buy low sell high. It is also something the O's tend to do. It had nothing to do with trading Trumbo. I've never suggested that Trumbo had much value.
  5. I think there is a fair chance that a team with Stewart and Hays in the outfield and Mancini at DH is better than what they are currently putting out there. I expect Nick to put up a positive rWAR this year. I do not expect Trumbo to put up a positive rWAR this year.
  6. If I have the keys I'm cutting guys and bringing up kids. Maybe Stewart in left, Jones in Center, Hays in right with Mancini at DH, Pedro at Norfolk and Trumbo on the streets.
  7. How do I get steamable links to auto-play? https://streamable.com/ul9f9
  8. As I said on the 20th in the 21st game thread the rainout against the Rays could very well lead to Harvey getting bumped since Castro and Cortes needed the work and Harvey wasn't going to be going north. That is all I think it was.
  9. That is my understanding. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/14/sports/baseball/alex-rodriguez-continues-fight-seeking-to-vacate-arbitrators-ruling.html
  10. Pretty sure they have moved on to lozenges.
  11. I don't get the grief, Davis has already set an all time record since signing the deal. What more do you want?
  12. I meant that if they pick up their option. That is why I worded it that way. Just like folks kept wanting to trade for Markakis.
  13. Not since Markakis has left have I seen folks so enamored with a former player that is employed by another team. I'm not going to have to read let's trade X to the Phillies for Flaherty posts all year am I?
  14. They question is, three inning starts or real starts? If it's real starts I think it's a bad idea.
  15. Do you think Gausman was ready when he got called up?
  16. For me Trumbo is the biggest reason that I wish Trumbo was not on this team.
  17. Yea, I'm not much on blind trust. And I don't think it is that likely that the two have had an extended conversation before but neither of us know so we can just speculate.
  18. Exactly how many conversations do you think the two of them had? I'm guessing this was the first one that exceeded a minute in length. I'll agree that if this was the third or more conversation they had on the topic that escalation would be called for.
  19. I don't know if we can trust the minor league numbers if the kids are actively being told to be aggressive and "figure out what you can't hit". Furthermore why are they telling the kids that?
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