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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I'm always crotchety and snarky. Have been since I was a teen. Classic case of premature curmudgeonism. You still shouldn't call out kids in public.
  2. While I don't have names at hand this isn't new for Buck. And like I said, it's Mountcastle's first big league camp. Should Buck really be out of ideas on how to get through to him already?
  3. This is Mountcastle's first big league camp right? He has no realistic path to the big league club this year right? I'd give him a bit more or a chance before I consigned him to blockhead status. I have no issue with Buck laying into him. None. Have at it. I just don't see the win in taking things public with kids in the minors and rookies.
  4. I'm hopeful that the increase is sustainable for Schoop but a lot of it might have just been tied to pitchers being more careful in their approach.
  5. Everywhere I have worked, including the military had the same policy. A boss has an issue with a worker they take the worker aside and work it out. You don't do it in front of everyone. You certainty don't pull some aside and go public with others.
  6. Any evidence that a public dressing down is the best way to fix the problem with a 20 year old?
  7. No, but if you have to publicly embarrass an employee to get a reaction I think you as a leader are doing something wrong.
  8. Of course ultimately the issue with Hays was also made public. So I guess if you aren't one of his vets it doesn't matter how you take the criticism.
  9. I don't think it is good business to embarrass any of your employees in public.
  10. Didn't Davis set the record in 2016? Did he call himself out that time too? I forget.
  11. You are right. Buck has no problem publicly calling out kids in the minors or rookies but if he does talk to his vets it is in such a way to help shield them from outside scrutiny. Me, I think that if calling Mountcastle out in public is a good idea than maybe calling Davis out in public for his called third strike issue might be a good idea as well. So yea, I think he should afford all his players the same level of respect.
  12. Right, they tell the kids to "learn what you can't hit" fostering aggression only to have Buck tell them something else while he stays silent about the plate discipline issues a number of his vets have.
  13. Buck is a lot more likely to talk tough with kids in the minors or rookies than he is his vets.
  14. Don't want the Eastern League to get too good a look at him.
  15. I saw a quote from Buck that basically said this experience was doing him good. Pretty sure he's penciled in for another start.
  16. Can't be providing free video of our regulars to other teams. What if they see Davis take a strike three down the middle? Word might get out.
  17. I didn't have a problem with what you said.
  18. And here I thought folks had finally stopped talking about that.
  19. Bell was a big time bonus baby in the 2011 draft (5M, record for 2 rnd).
  20. Think how much more he would bring back in trade with an extra year of control!
  21. Debatable. As some folks have stated they would have been well served in hindsight to delay Schoop's clock by a few weeks. I don't see a benefit to the player or the team for Harvey to be in the majors in 2018.
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