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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I didn't have a problem with what you said.
  2. And here I thought folks had finally stopped talking about that.
  3. Bell was a big time bonus baby in the 2011 draft (5M, record for 2 rnd).
  4. Think how much more he would bring back in trade with an extra year of control!
  5. Debatable. As some folks have stated they would have been well served in hindsight to delay Schoop's clock by a few weeks. I don't see a benefit to the player or the team for Harvey to be in the majors in 2018.
  6. But a franchise has to look beyond today.
  7. There is not much room for an I told you so. I think a promotion to AAA would be overly aggressive. It is doubtful any will happen that will change mind. Not sure why you mentioned Sisco to be honest.
  8. In a perfect world he should jump from low A to AAA?
  9. I would not risk sacrificing Harvey's future for the 2018 season.
  10. Since it is the minor league program he might have been busted for pot.
  11. To be honest it was Reddit's baseball page. Normally fairly reliable (at least once folks respond to a post) but in this case they probably took his tweet the wrong way.
  12. The general guide is the more years you offer the lower the AAV. I would love someone like Trout or Harper to sign a series of one year deals. If you are a contender do you pay 40M for one year of Trout? How about Fifty?
  13. Of course they can, but it is an easier adjustment to go from gas to average than average to below average.
  14. Can_of_corn

    The Athletic

    I figure it's time to mention it. They have been by far the busiest team this offseason. So far they have signed Jeff Sullivan, Jonah Keri, Eno Sarris, Ken Rosenthal and Jayson Starke. The thing is, they are a subscription service. Special on right now is $3.74/MO for the first year. Worth spending $45 for the first year and $60 for the following years? (They also write about other sports but serious who cares?) In related news, is Fangraphs going to be able to weather the talent loss?
  15. Sure it might be less of a factor but to say things like "throwing hard doesn't matter" just isn't accurate. His 4 seam is still coming in around 91 (down from 93-94) so he probably has a few more ticks he can give up before it starts catching up to him.
  16. Does anyone not think Bundy would be more effective if he had his old velocity back?
  17. If velocity doesn't matter than why has the average velocity been going up? Why has Jered Weaver's numbers been in decline? Velocity is an important component.
  18. Odd, Maddux in his prime worked in the 90's. The only two years I have velocity data for, in which his ERA+ was under 100, he was in the upper 80's. There exists a point where command and movement do not compensate for a lack of velocity. For one pitcher that point might be 93 MPH, for another 87. I'm not saying that velocity is all important but it does have to be present to some degree. (knuckleball of course excluded)
  19. A lot of the time it is the guys that don't rely on velocity that are most damaged by a loss of velocity.
  20. First two that come to mind (that are expired) are the first long term deals signed by Arod and CC. The Scherzer deal is looking good.
  21. Retiring his number and awarding him a patch is, in my view, condoning his actions. I'm fine with individuals doing what they like, I am not fine with MLB doing it.
  22. It certainly means he had the ability to try and fix it. I think I can. Why should he get a free pass because his extremely reckless behavior didn't have as reaching a consequence as the other listed? It wasn't as if he took steps to avoid others being hurt. He intentionally got behind the stick when he knew he was impaired. Yea, I'll hold that against him. Just like others would hold it against him if he hadn't been a famous former baseball player.
  23. If only someone with 149M in career earnings and maybe the best health care plan in the country could have received help for his problem. My problem is that he, like Jose Fernandez and Oscar Taveras actually did, could have killed others with his recklessness. I don't feel like that type of behavior should be lauded in any fashion. It wouldn't change my HoF vote if I had one but yea, I'm not in favor of a patch.
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