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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Sometimes I think you have me on /ignore.
  2. As I said in the other thread this was mentioned in, I bet he is just in town to get his player of the year award.
  3. I think we will be seeing a lot of him for a long time.
  4. I think it will take a significant injury to derail him.
  5. I disagree. I read somewhere that the three guys they got would all make the Tigers' top 10. A rebuilding team that already has an albatross of a contract doesn't need Verlander.
  6. I can wait until this year's team's season has ended and maybe a week to take a breather and catch up on some TV.
  7. I'm eager to see how he does against appropriate opposition next spring.
  8. I clued a friend in from work that he was going to be activated Thursday. Made no guarantee about playing time but told him if he had room for a flyer...
  9. Some of us like outfielders who can actually run and are don't get nervous when they get within 15 feet of the wall. Gentry is a deeply flawed player but at least he can play the outfield.
  10. Tell that to Hobgood! (Yes I know he went fifth)
  11. So you are of the opinion that it is more meaningful to be ranked 20 by BA than by BP? I consider them about the same. Unless you are talking about something like Bleacher Report. I'd feel comfortable saying that both were at one time top 20 prospects.
  12. https://www.baseball-reference.com/register/player.fcgi?id=harvey002hun #20 Baseball Prospectus pre-2015. I do agree that Bundy was the most likely to become an "ace" of the three.
  13. Harvey was pretty hyped after his strong performance the year he was drafted. I'd definitely say Gausman level hype.
  14. You don't want to do that, they have a history of concussions.
  15. http://www.baseballamerica.com/draft/free-agent-conlon-heads-texas/?utm_content=buffer61a94&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer#LSiV5v4VKrjD6jSd.97
  16. Sure it is but how big a gulf would there have to be between the O's medical staff and the other teams for that not to be the case?
  17. I don't think that's accurate. They knew he wouldn't accept the 140K so instead of offering it and forcing him to go back to school they foolishly did him a favor and let him become a free agent.
  18. Maybe he learned his lesson after the situation with the O's? Maybe the Giants asked him to refrain from posting anything until everything was final? Or maybe he failed another physical.
  19. If you don't sign a pick in the top ten rounds you forfeit the money allocated to that slot. O's had their total pool reduced by 400k.
  20. No, because he would have cost them a draft pick and the slot money. As it is the O's paid the draft pick cost for the Giants while also allowing them to avoid the cost in slot money.
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