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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Of course if this is just a ploy to make him a free agent not tied to the pool money and they come back and sign him for 2M I'll be sitting here with much egg on my face.
  2. Just when I thought they couldn't find a new way to embarrass me as a fan. Won't it be great if he signs with another AL East team and makes it to the majors?
  3. You have ever right to feel that way. Me, I look at a team that has been trading away international slots and competitive balance picks while increasing spending on the ML team. I think it is at least a possibility that they would rather spend assets on the ML team then on the draft/international market.
  4. It's a theory. The problem with what you are suggesting is that they took Hall in the second round and Conlon in the fifth and you have to think they knew both were going to want more than slot. This was of course after they picked DL Hall who was certainly going to be over slot. If you know Hall and Hall are going to be overslot you don't pick another over slot guy in the fourth.
  5. They didn't trade the comp pick this year. I'm not saying it is anything more than a fan theory without evidence to back it up. Just something I have been thinking about for a couple months now.
  6. They knew, everyone knew, DL Hall was going to be overslot. I'm sticking with my theory that it is a play to divert money from the draft to pay for the ML roster.
  7. They should have completely cleaned house when the Umpires resigned in 1999.
  8. Almost 90 innings spread over two seasons is certainly enough information to dismiss a guy's future prospects.
  9. https://www.law360.com/sports/articles/941017/umpire-sues-mlb-claiming-discrimination-manager-vendetta I'm thinking that if you want to get promoted the first thing you should do is be good at your job.
  10. Different animals. Klein was a reliever because he had shoulder issues. In hindsight the O's don't look at all good for trying to make him a stater when he already had shoulder issues. Sedlock help up just fine under heavy starter usage his last year of college. If anything I think his one year as a starter did a lot more harm than anything the O's did.
  11. So anything south of Orlando (home to the "University of Central Florida" is south Florida? I had no idea I lived an hour north of south Florida. South Florida sure is a lot bigger than north and central Florida.
  12. Midwestern. West coast about half way down. West coast of central Florida is probably the best way to put it.
  13. Probably. But they always say surgery is a last resort. Hopefully this is the type of issue that does get better with rest and treatment.
  14. Quite right, back to edit. I guess I saw what I expected to see and not what was there.
  15. I'm not so good with sarcasm. I'm a simple man and it tends to go over my head. And yes as Dirtybird illustrated Sedlock was overworked.
  16. At least twice. Bundy and Harvey for sure. I hope he doesn't get caught in the grey area Harvey did, where it was obviously damaged but not enough for the experts to recommend surgery.
  17. A lot was made of his workload last year in college. I believe the word abused was used at some point.
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