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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Was the problem they didn't cover the base or that Manny forgot which play was being run?
  2. I think a lot of players from that era used, to include members of the hall of fame. If I were to find out any of the bolded used I would shrug. I don't specifically suspect any of the names you listed but I'd bet money at least one of the four used at some point.
  3. So someone using cutting edge steroid/HGH/training/diet is more of a cheater than someone taking horse steroids or someone who thinks they are taking steroids but are in fact ingesting sugar pills? Yea, I can't agree with that. The important piece is the intent.
  4. King Kelly was lauded for his ingenuity. Gaylord Perry is in the hall (as is the aforementioned Kelly)
  5. Sorry forgot the other bit. This is how it works, if you state as a premise that athletes A, B and C were so talented that they didn't need to cheat and I respond with athletes X, Y, and Z were every bit as talented and yet they cheated that is calling into question the validity of your premise. Since their doesn't seem to be any evidence that athletes that reach a certain performance threshold are less likely to use PEDs.
  6. What possible difference does it make how effective it would have been? Either the intent is there to cheat or it isn't. Ruth tried to cheat. It didn't work and he fell ill but it doesn't take away from his intent to cheat.
  7. Because Ruth and Bonds weren't talented. Lance Armstrong was a hack.
  8. I'm exaggerating for effect. Doesn't mean it isn't happening though. I do think moderate ground ball guys with unexceptional k rates will struggle to adapt.
  9. The fly ball revolution is going to eat those guys up.
  10. My theory, if he did use for one year, is that their were side-effects that caused him to stop. Of course I don't care if he used.
  11. Just remember Cal mentored Arod in a similar fashion that Arod mentored Manny.
  12. You don't think Arod has connections to the undetectable stuff?
  13. What is the 4.5 War club (2013-2016)?
  14. If I say so? Yea, I'd say a known detectable steroid that gained notoriety almost 20 years ago counts as antiqued.
  15. He got what appears to be a huge return on those trades. As for Chapman, another team could have taken advantage of the depressed market and they didn't.
  16. They get caught because they use antiqued technology.
  17. On mobile so I won't link it but new Rosenthal piece includes Dan specifically saying that the lack of spending is an ownership decision.
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