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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Sale signed in June for an affordable figure with the understanding that he might be in the majors that season. http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2010/06/chris-sale-white-sox-reach-agreement.html
  2. Put him on the 40 man roster? That would be significantly crazier than when they promoted Bundy.
  3. I think the Red Sox have a lot more means to add to their roster than the Blue Jays.
  4. With Harvey having not even started to use his option years yet I don't think there is a rush to get him to the majors. Hopefully next season will be spent building up his innings in a controlled environment.
  5. He was fine against them last year, I'm thinking it's fixable.
  6. You just now noticed? You must have Malike on /ignore, it's all he talks about.
  7. Absolutely. I would rather he spend the money but if not might as well pick up a long shot and see if he comes in.
  8. I have no idea who compiled the list OFFNY posted, it was from MLB.com.
  9. Well Barker and Belicek of course. I heard such nice things when they were acquired. They got to be better than a guy that is playing an entirely different sport.
  10. So somebody who isn't even playing baseball this year moved up in the rankings? And DJ Stewart is still Top 5? I'm shocked to see that Barker and Belicek couldn't make the list.
  11. http://www.baltimorebaseball.com/2016/06/12/know-os-reliever-mychal-givens/
  12. If you can't score off Storen I don't know what to say.
  13. I'll go with the one I posited earlier. Manny had his knees thrown at, he was going to throw the bat at the pitcher but as the last second decided to hang onto it long enough that it sailed toward the third base bag (where the third baseman wasn't playing).
  14. They should test managers for Adderall.
  15. So you think that: 1- Manny didn't know that a defensive replacement had been named 2- Couldn't recognize it wasn't Donaldson from 90 feet 3- Couldn't come reasonably close to hitting someone with a thrown bat from 90 feet. I disagree with at least two of those.
  16. But it does certainly mean that he was not trying to hit Donaldson with the bat.
  17. He'd be a fool to compose it himself.
  18. As opposed to deciding to throw the bat at the pitcher who threw at his surgically repaired knees and then deciding at the last second to release the bat in foul territory instead?
  19. Fifty point drop in BABIP.
  20. I bet he is happy as a clam to be in an organization so bereft of pitching prospects.
  21. True, but he did have a full year to rest and recover and did fade in the second half. For what it is worth I think he was clean last year.
  22. I wouldn't say Arod is playing great.
  23. Fangraphs did a piece on how the risk/reward is for rule V players to take something.
  24. BA mentioned in a teaser that a 16 yr old international player tested hot for something but the details are behind the paywall.
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