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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I just assume everyone is cheating and don't let it bother me.
  2. Oh, I've been insinuating someone else.
  3. Than they should have given him a better alternative.
  4. Makes me wonder if, since Schoop obviously had interest in immediate financial security, his representation approached the Orioles about a long term deal. I would certainly have done that first before agreeing to a deal of this kind.
  5. First off the players would have to give up something in order to secure an increase that could possibly make a difference. And yes, I think if the minimum salary were to move up to one or even two million it would have a negligible effect on the contracts that I think you are talking about. It would lead to more players non-tendered.
  6. Or the guy that was a big leaguer, so has money to burn, but isn't currently under the control of MLB. What is to stop someone pitching for say, the Sugarland Skeeters, from undergoing an intensive regimen of PEDs in an effort to regain a few MPH on his fastball?
  7. Because you are "betting" on a player's future compensation.
  8. He didn't make this deal with the Orioles. He made it with an outside party.
  9. What will the players give up for such a potentially large bump in earnings?
  10. Anyone else want to reach out and move the O's bat slightly so it can be more easily read?
  11. If he didn't know he should fire his agent.
  12. Well he did start the game...
  13. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Brian Matusz, starting at AA Bowie, gave up 6 runs and 7 hits in 1st inning vs. Erie <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/orioles?src=hash">#orioles</a></p>— Roch Kubatko (@masnRoch) <a href=" ">April 11, 2016</a></blockquote><script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  14. How about that new Tiger's bullpen?
  15. Down 4-0. On the bright side no one in Miami will notice.
  16. Was talking to by friend who is a Braves fan. He informed me that even with the O's horrendous start to spring training that the O's now have a better ST record than the Braves.
  17. I wasn't scared. I won't deny the loathing.
  18. Lots of folks wanted to do it with Schoop. Kinda hard to justify not getting the seventh year when you aren't going to contend anyway.
  19. They only have to beat out the Cards, Cubs and Pirates. Totally doable.
  20. He misses a few starts and you get a whole extra year of team control. Sounds like a plan to win to me.
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