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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. And his below average blocking and framing.
  2. Take a saline IV before bed and one of these when you get up.
  3. Zach Neto is all of 23 and had an issue with inflammation least month. My guess is Elias is being overly protective since he doesn't want to bring him up right now anyway.
  4. OK, the quote I saw said sign with. Never play is just dumb, if he's traded he doesn't have much choice. Is he going to hold out?
  5. They do play in a minor league park.
  6. I agree. But I hear a lot more about the bets folks have won than the bets they have lost. *Not talking about anyone in specific*
  7. Brewers just traded for a pitcher from Seattle!!!!!
  8. I want more of the stuff from yesterday. I'm playing the long game.
  9. I think he said he'd never sign with the Yankees.
  10. Naw, I can just see Brown going in that direction if the question was asked. He was seven when Spice World came out.
  11. The O's are choosing to sit (DH) him that much. That isn't the standard. They are also the ones choosing to play a replacement level player in his place. I also never look past the years of team control when evaluating draft picks. What he does in year 10 has no relevance.
  12. Not being major league quality?
  13. So Adley was a bad pick? Mauer was a bad pick? Posey would have been a bad pick? BTW vinyl has made a huge comeback, surprised you haven't heard.
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_Spice She's done extremely well for herself the last couple of years.
  15. Not as if he has a choice. He's not going to leave MLB.
  16. The throw is up on MLB.com.
  17. It's the book version of Field of Dreams.
  18. I thought so. I want the kids up and acclimating.
  19. Just had a thought. Anyone else surprised that the Dirk Hayhurst books have never been made into a movie/TV show? He was hot there for a minute.
  20. Bull Durham. Shoeless Joe was a great book tho.
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