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About Dunk35

  • Birthday 08/03/1988

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    Tobacco Road, NC
  • Favorite Current Oriole
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  1. This is our bullpen in the playoffs...
  2. I really hope there is some kind of injury that Adley is dealing with. If he cant get back to an .800 plus OPS catcher, that is a serious damper in our organizational future.
  3. Shut him down. He's too valuable to next years team for him to get injured trying to rush back for this deeply flawed team.
  4. Im all in favor of trading Coby Mayo for a TOR SP, if possible. His value has to be plummeting with this atrocious showing though.
  5. Mayo needs to get rid of the hitch. That crap obviously not gonna work in the Big Leagues. Our top prospects have been so bad this year. Between Jackson, Mayo, Povich, that's a lot of bad.
  6. This team just isnt fun to watch. I dont look forward to the games at this point.
  7. Adley is gonna dip UNDER a 700 OPS really soon. That is completely unacceptable.
  8. Jackson is just terrible. He should not be in the Major Leagues.
  9. What a pickup KC got out of Seth Lugo.
  10. Just an awful result of at bat by our best hitter. Have got to move the runners in that situation Gunnar.
  11. Roy's lil buddy is just completely overmatched at this level. Easy out.
  12. Yeah i mis-read that. Realized it after i clicked submit
  13. Mateo literally cant throw a baseball right now. Gunnar is our best player. Ride and Die with him.
  14. Good job by Povich to get the DP
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