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Everything posted by O-The-Memories

  1. I'm glad he has improved this year and I hope it will continue as well.
  2. Wow, it's AWESOME to see this part of the order winning us a game!
  3. A couple innings ago he said "and a foul ball down the line.....ok maybe not.....ok, it was foul by three or four feet". The guy is awful and doesn't seem to want to get better. No personality at all and just doesn't seem to want to learn the craft.
  4. I think it's about time to sit Mountcastle for a while. I hate to say it, but he's been quite disappointing. Maybe take a pitch since every other batter went to three balls in the count?
  5. You take a chance on a guy like Lamet if you think you can get his walks down a little bit. He strikes out a ton of guys and has better stuff than any of our current starters.
  6. Matt Moore had a really good start to his career, and I think the injuries just caught up to him. I remember thinking he would be an ace. Not upset that he is struggling a bit here today.
  7. Chirinos made him pay for the lack of control! Good job man!
  8. Let's hope Chirinos and Nevin can do something to start the inning. I have my doubts.
  9. This would take the sting off the Lopez trade for me. Not sure if Hall's control problems will be an issue in short stints or not but I would LOVE to see him in the majors regardless. His stuff is absolutely filthy and I am hopeful that he can stick as a starter next year.
  10. Initial thoughts are this is a pretty awful trade. I don't consider any of these guys to be legit prospects at all from what I am reading. I'm not sure if any of them would be top 25-30 guys in our system. Seems like a lot of filler for a closer who was valuable. High ERA's, high walks, and the cornerstone of the trade is 28? Would have much rather had one decent prospect. Not a fan at all just based upon initial impressions.
  11. Voth is the guy that I was a little unsure of, I think his previous track record is more likely to show his true talent, and at 30 years old he isn't going to develop a lot more. I do think that you guys are correct in the fact that there probably aren't a lot of guys who they could call up. I doubt a guy like Hall is coming up to replace him.
  12. I would also be a lot happier if we could trim the roster of the following; Nevin, Odor, Chirinos, Sulser, and probably Voth. The pitchers are harder to justify but I'd like to evaluate some other guys too. The first three for sure though. Chirinos was a good gamble that just didn't pay off, and I didn't see that massive of a decline coming. Odor should have never been signed in the first place.
  13. The injury to Johnson is the only reason we were able to get him in the first place (in my opinion) and he will be old for a prospect if he makes it to the majors. I'll still take the gamble on talent over fringe guys. This seems to be a recent strategy; take big gambles in the draft and also with trades like this. The upside is a pitcher that can be a good starter, and another guy that could be a nice bullpen find. Even if one of those things happens it's a win. I loved having Mancini on the team, and I do think there's a relatively high chance neither of the pitchers pan out, but I don't see how anyone could hate the trade based on value for a couple months of an average DH/1B.
  14. Yes, I think we still need starting pitching help badly. DL Hall has kind of been disappointing to me, and GRod needs to recover from an injury. Those are the only two that I think are near locks to be contributors on a good MLB team. Bradish has been horrible although there's still time. Other than that I'm not sure we have a lot of starting pitching coming up through the ranks. There were guys who don't need anywhere near the level of development that were available, and we have enough relievers already.
  15. I really don't understand our draft strategy. None of these guys are close to being MLB ready. Either they have huge swing problems, they are 18 (Holliday) or now we get a guy who will need development even though he's been in college four years. A fastball alone sounds like a reliever. I'm trying to be optimistic but it's hard. Edit: I was wrong, he's a sophomore, which makes this pick a little better I guess. I still think there were better pitchers available for sure.
  16. The Dansby Swanson comp also seems very odd to me. Swanson is 28 and is having his first really good season. That's a weird career path for a 17 year old like Holliday to take. I remember Swanson seeming like a somewhat of a disappointment up until a couple years ago.
  17. Would have liked Jones, but I like the pick better than Johnson or Lee.
  18. Still seeing soccer on ESPN, let's hope they switch over soon.
  19. That's ballgame! I love the resiliency this team has!
  20. There's no reason for Owings to be on the roster at this point, it's inexcusable.
  21. Well, I thought we would get out of that giving up only one. The Rays lineup doesn't look much better than ours, but they are killing us the last two games.
  22. I hate to say this, but this pairing is very hard to listen to, you're right. I've never liked Garceau at all, and Melanie isn't good either. I miss Palmer and guys like Gary Thorne. This is the B squad for sure.
  23. I hope he's OK, let's hope nothing is broken.
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