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Everything posted by Morgan423

  1. He'd probably still have swung at it if he'd recognized it, due to the strike two call on the same pitch, but at least in that even the swing might have been smarter. You can't pull on outside slider.
  2. Okay, Adam Frazier may be growing on me a bit.
  3. He misplayed a pop up and had to recover to catch it. Little wind out there, and not much movement on the ball, but with the way he moved, you'd have thought the ball had ricocheted off of something before it came down.
  4. If someone brings the ump his astigmatism-correcting glasses, he better not put them on until after we've hit this inning.
  5. 5 strikes and two balls. That's a walk, take your base.
  6. I was speaking more to how he doesn't seem to be catching anything as pitches are coming in. It's like he's just guessing, or staring off into space out there.
  7. The 0-2 pitch to Arroyo missed by the width of a proton, and the ump didn't even flinch.
  8. Pitch framing and blah blah blah, sure, but that called strike three pitch was never in the strike zone from the time it left Irwin's hand lol
  9. > So the Orioles will win zero games this year they should have lost? Not at all my point. I feel like we're having different conversations. We play in the most competitive division in baseball. It's entirely possible that we have a fantastic rest of the season, win 92 games, and we needed 93 for the Wild Card. And at that point, a missing win that you gave away makes all the difference. And yes, you can argue that other close wins and losses happen, but very few games are like this one, where you can say that you literally won a game, except you converted that sure win into a loss because you dropped the routine game ending fly ball that's caught 9,999 times every 10,000 tries in the MLB. > If a drop occurs in the 3rd inning it’s the same as the 9th inning correct? Incorrect, if said fly ball in the ninth would have literally ended the game with a win for your team. There isn't a more impactful play in baseball than dropping said fly ball, and then going on to lose the game instead.
  10. If at the end of the season, we have one fewer win than the requirement at that time to make the playoffs? Then yes, this game (which is literally a win that we needlessly converted into a loss) would have cost us the playoffs. That's how counting works.
  11. Literally no one's saying that.
  12. I would be too, except that Bautista and the entire rest of our team should have been in the clubhouse by that point.
  13. Normally, early season games tend to fade into distant memory as the season churns along and the months go by. But if the O's miss a playoff spot by a game this year, EVERYONE'S going to remember McKenna dropping the game on April 1. And to us, it will feel like our version of Bill Buckner.
  14. Gonna go catch the Blast game and try to forget this one. Have a good night gentlemen, and let's get them tomorrow.
  15. McKenna on his way to Norfolk tonight. That was LITERALLY giving the game away.
  16. This four out inning brought to you by the MLB reply team.
  17. Let's score more runs. I have a better chance of getting hit by lightning four times next week that the bullpen has of holding this one run lead the rest of the game.
  18. Can't get these guys out of Boston fast enough.
  19. Man, I'm pretty sure that every run we've given up today was the result of a hanging slider.
  20. Looked like it, but we already lost a replay challenge.
  21. Here's the fellow we gave up Cash Considerations for. Let's see what he's got.
  22. On a side note, The Newman-Hays Conversation totally sounds like an eighties synth-pop band name.
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