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Everything posted by Morgan423

  1. Interesting to know that Hunter Harvey is going through this same process in reverse. Now that he's trying to stay healthy and reach his potential, the tools he had access to the last few years are gone.
  2. I'm good with what's happened... it's okay that they won't make it without a miracle push. I never expected them to put anything resembling this season together, and neither did any of you. The fact that we're clearly at go time this off-season is what's got me most excited. Looking forward to several seasons upcoming of good, winning baseball.
  3. Wait... isn't there a field rule in the MLB rulebook stating that teams have discretion on the dirt/grass configurations of the infield and how that's all arranged, since prior to now it was more of a stylistic point? Now, we have a rule stating that infielders have to have some of their feet in the dirt... but isn't that currently different, depth-wise, by field? Aren't we going to have to standardize the grass/dirt dimensions now?
  4. So has anyone started a Go Fund Me for whatever eye surgery Manny Gonzalez needs, and some science lessons to teach him that hitters don't change height during the course of an at-bat? Just out of curiosity.
  5. I think it's sometimes worth the risk it that particular situation and some others like it, if the circumstances are favorable. Guys on second and third and an out, you hold the runner: you end up with second and third two outs. If you send the runner and they throw him out at home, it's corners and two outs instead. So you're trading an extra guy in scoring position for the next hitter... to try to score now instead, on a play where you force them to execute well. So in my mind, the decision rests entirely on how fast the dude on third is, and who's on deck and will be the next guy to hit. These two things are going to going to inform the decision to go or hold one way or the other.
  6. Arguably five balls. Umpire astigmatism is a powerful thing.
  7. August 24, 2022 - September 3, 2022. The Phoenix Sanders era. Appeared in two games for the Tides and gave up 4 ER in 2 IP. What a ride, I'm sure none of us will forget this whirlwind experience.
  8. That's fantastic. I showed my wife this photo and she's having trouble deciding whether he's in a 1980s rock video, or if he's riding into battle with Braveheart.
  9. I think Adley was sitting on that change up. I thought he was going to throw it too. Guessed wrong.
  10. Agree to disagree. Losing the DH doesn't matter if we can't tie the game, and we are rapidly running out of outs to do so. Besides, we have we have several pinch hitters on the bench.
  11. Good question. Can't really say I care too much about giving up the DH when I'm the away team down by two in the 8th, trying to get some runs off the Astros bullpen.
  12. Baseball Reference breaks a player's stats up by team if he played for multiple teams in one year. Several other stats sites probably do as well, I just normally check them first, they have an easy interface.
  13. We're not out of this one yet. Though I will say I like our chances an order of magnitude less than if we were playing against any other bullpen in the league.
  14. Reminds me that replay umpires don't seem to understand how basic physics work when watching replays. Like Nate McClouth's homer off the foul pole not being recognized as such, despite changing flight angle by over 90 degrees in one one-thousandth of a second (which could only be caused by a ricochet off a solid object, so maybe they thought there was a magic invisible wall next to the flag pole in Yankee stadium?).
  15. Feels like we've barely missed several runs today based on bad luck, umpire ineptitude, poor execution by us, or all of the above combined.
  16. Guys, didn't you know? The opposite batter's box is in the strike zone now! Edit: Also LOL @ Bregman for jawing off to the ump just then for a called strike that was less than a baseball's width off the plate, when his pitcher benefited from a called strike three that was five inches outside, less than five minutes ago.
  17. Astros, for all intents and purposes, have their post season locked in at this point. If they caught so much of a whiff that they needed to precaution-pull Verlander to avoid a potential injury, they'd do it in a blink.
  18. Got out of that somehow. That felt like fifteen minutes of tap dancing through a minefield.
  19. To me, any no-walk no hitter SHOULD be a perfect game. It's a term primarily used to describe the pitcher's contribution to the game; most people don't see it as "what the team did," more "what the pitcher did." Runners who are on base due to your yahoo teammates committing errors are not your fault as the pitcher.
  20. Why are we batting RM 4th? He's been hitting like a pitcher for weeks. If we're going to play him til he figures it out, he needs to be hitting 8th. He is absolutely MURDERING so many potential rallies being set up by Cedric, Adley, and Tony. It's brutal.
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