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Everything posted by Dibbs31

  1. Insane to me that people think McCann should have caught that foul tip. It happens all the time in almost every game where a catcher drops a tipped third strike.
  2. Bounce back and win two boys. Been surprising everyone all year
  3. I blame my wife for taking over the main TV between the 8th and 9th innings
  4. At least we got some relief pitching help at the deadline
  5. Just throwing fastballs right down the middle with no control of anything else
  6. Wow super lucky that didnt go out but should have been caught
  7. Agree to disagree. Our 70 wins this year arent against the Nationals and Athletics (only 5 games against those teams total). It is against (arguably) the hardest schedule in the major leagues. O's lost 2/3 to the Phillies. Are the Phillies a better team? Not by any other metric and I'd bet $10k that they dont beat us 67/100 times based on that series. It's baseball, 6 games is not a big enough sample size to tell us anything really. Believe the Oakland A's beat the Rays in a series earlier this year.
  8. Absolutely more than 33. We went around 2-25 with RISP against the Braves on Saturday/Sunday and lost twice in extra innings. Could have easily been a sweep. In over 100 games against one of the hardest schedules in the majors we have a better record than the Dodgers and one game back of the Braves. Much better sample size there.
  9. A 6-game sample size in no way is enough to make trade deadline decisions
  10. Just booked some rooms downtown from October 7-9. Hopefully they play that Saturday and Sunday
  11. This is one of the worst takes (multiple) I have seen on a message board and I have followed a few forums of different teams for a long time.
  12. Confirmed? He was like 5 feet up the line directly in front of the plate. I guess I don't understand the rule
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