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Everything posted by jamalshw

  1. I think Velazquez is gone. He's a fine utility guy, but can be replaced by a minor league, camp invite guy, plus Martin's return. I'd also much rather protect Wells or Smith over him even if it's hard to see either sticking on another roster, but coming off the bizarre 2020 season I'm not sure if I expect a normal off season either. I could also see them trying to move some guys (Nunez the most obvious one) to clear 40-man space.
  2. The sample sizes in a season like this are naturally going to be small. We have just over 100 plate appearances for Mullins and even less for Stewart. I'm optimistic about what they are showing, but it could also very well be a David Newhan situation where they look like real pieces in a small run and then fad into oblivion. Overall, I think both should be given a bit more time to show what they have. I think before this Stewart was working his way out of consideration in a deep outfield. If nothing else, this gets him back in the picture. With Santander on the shelf, I'd like to see Mullins, Stewart, Mountcastle and Hays in the lineup as much as possible.
  3. Valaika has looked good and I like him in a utility role. He can play almost all over the field and be at least adequate. That has value and his bat has played well, too. He may not be this good, but it shows there's something there. I like him to be an option off the bench next year when we go down to a 26 man roster and have a shorter bench. I'd like to see him continue to move around some this year. I'd actually like to see him at SS some and see less Velazquez.
  4. Prior to 2020, Davis's contract was simply a sunk cost. As it turns out, the pandemic actually helped the Orioles recoup some of the cost, but the team was keeping him as he wasn't blocking anyone...yet. That changes next year as many have pointed out. There were also whispers of him hanging it up himself which may open the doors for the Orioles to at least negotiate a revised buy-out of the last couple years. He was optimistic after a strong 2020 spring training, but it has been more of the same when he's on the field this year. He may be getting to the point where he's ready to give up. I doubt he would flat out retire and give up the owed money completely, but being open to a settlement that gets him some of the money and saves the Orioles some cash--and clears a roster spot--is possible. At this point, it is hard to imagine he's enjoying himself being this bad.
  5. I think it's still up in the air. I think you can pull off a 3 catcher situation if the DH spot is open (bye, Nunez) and if at least one can prove they can play another position reasonably well to help spread ABs and provide extra off days to other players somewhere else. AR will be an everyday player (at least as much as a catcher can be). If you are keeping both Severino and Sisco, there's not enough ABs to go around. If one is primarily just sitting on the bench, we may be better served to trade one for a more useful piece to this team and if you wanted to carry a third catcher, you make that third guy a Holaday type.
  6. A bit late commenting, but I love this move. He's got good stuff. He's just never been able to find consistent command. Maybe they can help him...maybe not. But if they think the have a chance to straighten him out, it's a good move...even if it doesn't work out. After all, what do we have to lose?
  7. I didn't care for the Bundy deal this winter. I would have much preferred a quality over quantity deal for him, but with quantity, Elias may have found something. We will find out in a couple years. While I didn't like the value we got, I don't think it was reasonable to expect him to have the season he's had to date. I also don't think it's reasonable to expect this 2.49 ERA/2.95 FIP Bundy to continue. The homers have been the biggest issue for him and he's done better this year, but as others have pointed out, the ballparks have helped. I think it's also important to keep it in perspective that we are talking about an eight game and 50.2 innings sample size. He has been someone to run hot and cold in the past. In his struggle of a 2018 season, he had a 1.98 ERA in June and a 2.97 ERA in his first six starts. I don't think the Bundy we are seeing this year through eight starts is the real Bundy...it's possible, but ultimately, I expect some regression. He's still a useful big league starter and I would have liked a better package in return, but in this revisionist look back and what might have been, we should remember eight starts is not indicative of true value.
  8. Honestly, that would be a pretty good haul for that group of players. I wasn't enthralled by the Bundy or Villar returns, but the returns this deadline are solid (even without seeing who the PTNL are). Velasquez and Milone were gotten for nothing so to lose them for nothing isn't that big of a deal. Perhaps one of the PTNL turn into a useful piece from those two deals, but even if not, it's basically a wash. We weren't even using Velasquez and Milone being moved opens up chances for Akin and maybe Kremer down the road. I'd honestly rather seem them down the stretch than Milone. Meanwhile, if we can turn the trio of Bleier, Castro, and Givens into just one a back-end Major League starter (or solid reliever) and a solid regular at 2B, that would be well worth it in my mind. In the end, the only player dealt that might have been with the Orioles when they start winning again was Castro. I'm okay moving what is essentially one reliever who might be part of the next good Orioles' team for a chance to get a few players with plenty of control who will be part of it.
  9. With Herrera's promotion, it makes me wonder if Hanser is okay. Either way, I'd like to see what Herrera can do. Lets see everyone that may be an option for the utility positions next year.
  10. If we were competing, sure. I think Williams is a serviceable fifth OF, but he is what he is. He's 29 so not really part of the future. I don't think Stewart is part of the future either, but he is two years younger. With Diaz on the horizon, it's now or never for Stewart. I think letting Williams go shows they expect Hays back soon enough that they're fine with Santander and Velazquez covering CF behind Mullins for a little while. I'd like to see Stewart get some consistent ABs for a couple weeks. I don't really care about results as much as as he looks at the plate.
  11. It's a longer shot for Grayson than Hall. It'll be interesting to see how teams (particularly the O's) decided to progress players next year (assuming a normal season). With a season lost (albeit both Hall and Rodriguez are at the Bowie camp), the O's could choose to be a bit more aggressive with the promotions compared to where they were a season ago.
  12. Alberto, Santander, Nunez, Severino all in today's lineup (in case anyone thought one of them could be dealt). Of course, that doesn't rule out a deal, but it appears a deal for any of those seem unlikely. I don't expect anything else from the Orioles today, but maybe we see Castro, Cobb or Fry go somewhere?
  13. I agree with this statement. I like Vavra and love adding a middle infield prospect we can potentially project up the middle alongside Hall in a couple years (either everyday or at least as a part-time option). It adds quality at a weak position in the system. I agree that Nevin seems like adding what we already have, but I figure since he was blocked by a few guys in Colorado's system, it was likely a situation where we have Nevin or a less prospect at another position as the second piece and I'm okay with Elias taking the better bat without a position in that scenario. We will see what happens with Nunez in the next few hours (and over the winter). We may see him going and we may finally see him going somewhere. Davis may finally be gone by the time Nevin is ready considering he's slotted to start at AAA next year. With Davis gone, Nunez potentially gone and Mountcastle in LF, that could open up some time at 1B/DH alongside Mancini (provided he gets back to form) if Nevin can show a strong enough bat to earn consideration.
  14. I think this is possible. Nunez has a bit more value now that there is a DH in both leagues and if he can show any ability in the field that helps. As for Mancini, I'm not sure I expect much from him in 2021 (at least in the first couple months). I know he will do everything he can to be ready, but he's going through a ton and it'll take him a while to get back to where he was physically. Plus with all the time away and questions about what he will be able to do to prepare for next year depending on how long this pandemic goes on. Mancini may be gone prior to 2022, but there are certainly complications there.
  15. They seem to be trying really hard to put Mountcastle in the OF rather than 1B. I'd rather see him at 1B, but I think we see this: DH- Renato Nunez 1B- Trey Mancini LF- Ryan Mountcastle CF- Austin Hays RF- Anthony Santander I am not banking on Diaz right now, but if he out-performs someone on this list, then great.
  16. Overall, it just sounds like a pointless argument on semantics. Whether we call it a "mistake" or a "miss" or a "guy that just didn't work out." It's more important on what the team does going forward than dwelling on the past. Once a guy is in the system, it shouldn't matter where he was drafted or how much money he got in a signing bonus, but rather how he profiles going forward and how he produces, improves, etc. That, of course, is not to say minor league production is the be-all, end-all. Guys are drafted high because of apparent tools. Sometimes those tools don't translate, sometimes they take longer. Regardless, the point I'm dancing around here is Stewart's draft position is irrelevant now. What is relevant is what he could mean for this team going forward. While it looks like a long shot he'll be an everyday player, he could still be a platoon/part-time guy. He could also be out of baseball in a couple years. Where the Orioles are right now, they need to see what he can do. He has a better chance than Smith and a few others on the roster. If the team sees something in his swing or approach they feel they can fix getting him away from the team and to the alternate sight for a bit, I'm all for this move, but I would like to see him back this year and getting another look even if inconsistently with the likelihood of Mountcastle there by the time he returns.
  17. I agree with the sentiment. Lets see Mountcastle. We don't need three catchers right now. Two plus one on the taxi squad is plenty. Lets get Mountcastle up and in the lineup everyday. An outfield of Mountcastle, Hays and Santander would be fun.
  18. Like others, I would like to see Sisco get more looks. I am in the same boat as most that don't expect Sisco to develop into an everyday level catcher, but would like to see if he can become a solid back-up or even a bit of a utility player. I'd like to see him get some looks in other positions around the field, see if he can look somewhat okay at 1B or LF. This season (however much of it we get) is about seeing what we have in some of these fringe type players. We can't get a real long look, but it's a chance to see what guys like Stewart, Santander, Sisco and others can become and if they can be useful role players before the bulk of the ABs start going to the likes of Mountcastle, Diaz, Adley, etc.
  19. He may be starting Opening Day, but that's out of necessity given how the rest of the rotation was lined up. The only way he finishes the season in the rotation is if someone gets hurt. We have Cobb, LeBlanc, Milone, Wojo and Means, but I expect Stewart, Akin and Kremer to get looks and someone will have to make room.
  20. I would love to see if he can build up the arm a bit. I'm not convinced Mullins will ever he an every day player, but with his speed, he should be able to play CF on a part-time basis. It's nice to have someone with some speed on the bench for pinch run opportunities, but he would need to be able to cover CF occasionally.
  21. I am a lot less optimistic than most it seems. The Orioles have one of the toughest (if not the toughest) schedules in the game. While the Sox's rotation is suspect, they still have a solid offense. The Yankees and Rays are both good. The Jays, I think, will be much improved. The only team the Orioles play that is not at least a solid squad is Miami. Add in Means and Harvey starting off with arm fatigue, no Mancini and a rotation that is sending Tommy Malone out on opening day (yes, I know that's due to circumstances)... Overall, I will be happy if the team gets to 20 wins, but expect something more like 17-18 and wouldn't be that surprised if it came in under that. The team was 19-41 through the first 60 games last year and in 2018.
  22. I feel bad for Wilkerson, but on a baseball level, I'm not sure we really needed to see more of Wilkerson to know what he is: a replacement player with a bit of versatility.
  23. I don't really expect him to be much more than a swing guy and/or depth option for teams in AAA in the long run, but this season is all about chances for the Orioles. I wouldn't mind seeing him given a chance as a No.5 starter or bullpen option. I expect he's ultimately replaced when the team starts promoting its pitching prospects, but I'd rather see if a 26 year old that doesn't walk many than some other options.
  24. Overall, this is a big year (or part of a year) for Stewart and Santander. Without Mancini, they both get a chance to get ABs and both need to capitalize. I want to see both of them on the field for 40+ games (provided we actually make it through the season). Mountcastle eventually takes LF, but should be given some time at DH and maybe even 1B with Davis, Nunez and others taking a seat some to find playing time. I bucket Santander and Stewart similarly. Both have a chance to be role players, but both need to prove it before the ABs become even harder to come by with the return of Mancini, the promotion of Mountcastle, Diaz, and company.
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